Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1187 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1187 Chang'an is gone, long miss (41)

The windows of Wanqiu Palace were closed, blocking the noisy rain outside.

Bian Que stood under the osmanthus tree with an umbrella, and the scattered light yellow flowers were soaked into the soil by the rain, and the sweet fragrance mixed with the freshness of the soil.

Raindrops fell on the blades of grass and splashed on the surface of his black boots, but he didn't notice it.

They are obviously in the same imperial palace, and the chances of seeing her afterwards are very few.

He stood under the osmanthus tree, staring at the little girl in front of the window in a daze for a long time.

Why did he keep his handkerchief for so many years, but he didn't take it away when he packed up his things this time, but left it in the middle of the drawer?

Bian Que really wanted to ask her, what had she insisted on, and now... Do you want to give up?

The splashed rain made water stains on his boots, Bian Que stood until Wanqiu Hall blew out the candles, and it was dark, then turned and went back to the Imperial Hospital.

On a rainy night, the palace was exceptionally quiet.

He clings to the bamboo bone umbrella and walks on the stone path step by step in the dark, as lonely as if he is the only one in this deep palace.


The next day.

At dawn, Yan Huan was still sleeping, when the aunt in charge came in and woke her up.

"Girl, several teaching nuns are already waiting at the door, it's time for the girl to get up."

rise?From what?I have never woken up so early in the hospital.

"Girl, you're not the harem master yet, so it's not good to let the teacher wait at the door."

The aunt in charge kept coaxing her in her ear, buzzing, completely quelling her drowsiness.

Yan Huan covered his ears and sat up from the bed, "Okay, okay! I'll get up, I'll get up! You go down first."

She dressed and came out with a gloomy face. The three teaching nuns were drinking tea in the outer hall. A table of exquisite breakfast was placed on the table, and Yan Huan began to eat sullenly.

One of them taught the nuns to put down the teacup with a somewhat reprimanding tone.

"Girl, you should have a soft face when eating, and it's better to smile, otherwise you will cry when you serve His Majesty in the future, but it's against the rules."

Yan Huan was holding a porridge bowl and was drinking porridge when he heard this and choked twice.

The other nun frowned.

"Don't talk while eating, don't talk when sleeping, His Majesty will take the initiative to ask questions, and the girl can answer. You must pay more attention when eating, and don't make such indecent noises as choking and coughing."

Yan Huan endured the anger in his stomach, with a gloomy face, he ate his breakfast stiffly, and the reprimands in his ears never stopped.

"Do not use chopsticks three times for the same dish."

"Dining is to take your time, don't rush."

"Dishes that are out of reach in the distance should be served by maids of honor, instead of standing up and moving chopsticks in person."

It's just a meal, there are a lot of broken rules.

Who cares about serving the old emperor's meal, who cares about pleasing the old emperor with a ladylike appearance?
The more I think about it, the more bored it becomes.

Yan Huan dropped his chopsticks, and said in a bad tone, "I won't eat."

The teaching mother was surprised, "After the meal, you should put the chopsticks and spoons on the side of the bowl lightly, how can you throw them away at will and make obscene noises?"

Yan Huan stood up, the chair made a sharp noise, and the teacher scolded her again.

"Your Majesty has not finished his meal, so he has to accompany him to finish his meal, and he can only leave after he has finished his meal. How can he make such a noisy noise?"

Fuck your rules!

Yan Huan blankly glanced at the three teaching nuns, all of them were extremely disgusted with her.

"I'm not feeling well today, so I can't learn the rules anymore, please go back, nuns."

She threw down the curtain and entered the inner room, and the three teaching nuns looked at each other.

A slave is a slave, no matter how you teach her, she will never be able to get on the stage, and she will serve others all her life.

 Thank you Qing Si. Reward 599 book coins~

  Thank you Weishang Hualuo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Su Yimo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good afternoon~Take a bite~】

(End of this chapter)

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