Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1190 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1190 Chang'an is gone, long miss (44)

"Everything that Wenji used and touched in the inner room must be burned, and those that cannot be burned should be buried in a place with few people."

Bian Que gave orders to his aunt in charge.

"The entire Wanqiu Palace will be fumigated with wormwood, and the clothes of those who have served Wen Ji close by can no longer wear them, and burn them all."

The old eunuch looked at the trembling Yan Huan, and slapped himself on the forehead annoyed.

The more solemn Bian Que's order was, the more frightened he became.

Smallpox, this is no joke, but a deadly thing!

"It's best not to let other people in the palace know about this, so as not to cause panic."

Bian Que turned to look at the manager's father-in-law, with a worried expression on his face, "Wenji's condition is very serious now, she has already started to shiver, and she has to be taken back to the Imperial Hospital for proper treatment. I wonder if my father-in-law can ask His Majesty as soon as possible?"

Now that Cai Wenji lives in the harem, she is no longer a member of their hospital, but a member of His Majesty.

To bring her back to Tai Hospital also requires His Majesty's consent.

The old eunuch looked at Cai Wenji's face again, she was very poor, she was still shivering with her arms folded, it looked serious, how could she waste time by running back and forth?Get medical treatment as soon as possible.

After following His Majesty's side for so many years, the Eunuch-in-Chief can sense His Majesty's temper.

"It's an emergency, so I don't have time to ask His Majesty's intentions, but the old slave infers that His Majesty's intention must be to bring the girl back to the Imperial Hospital for proper treatment, and I hope the academician will take care of her."

The old eunuch bowed respectfully to Bian Que, and Bian Que politely returned the salute, "Cai Wenji is my apprentice, I will do my best to heal her."

The old eunuch called a few eunuchs and carried Yan Huan back to the imperial hospital in a soft sedan chair.

There is no way around it, smallpox is like the plague, and the infection has already entered the gate of hell with one foot.

It is indeed wrong to leave Cai Wenji in the harem, and we can only send her back to the imperial hospital temporarily.

But the Qihua poison mentioned by the academician just now...

The old eunuch stomped his feet angrily. We must send someone to investigate this matter carefully, to find out which stupid concubine with no eyesight actually poisoned the goddess and even induced smallpox!

Yan Huan actually didn't shiver at all.

As soon as the person who escorted her into the room left, she sat up from the bed and stared straight at Bian Que.

She dragged her voice coquettishly, "Thank you, Master..."

Now her face is full of red bumps and bleeding spots, and her coquettish appearance is extremely funny. Bian Que is also used to being indifferent, so she didn't even smile.

"Thank you, you have smallpox, I may not be able to cure it yet."

Yan Huan grinned, "Ordinary smallpox can't be cured, but the smallpox given by Master can definitely be cured."

She said the following words very softly, for fear of being overheard by others.

It turned out that she knew that the smallpox was caused by him, so she just pretended to be shivering on purpose.

His brain turned quite fast, and he was very clever.

Bian Que gave her a cold look, "It seems that you remember the usual medical principles very clearly."

Yan Huan was still grinning, "Famous teachers produce high-quality apprentices, it is the master who teaches well."

"Hey, but the Naqi flower poison was also given by the master?"

Bian Que said with a cold face, "Otherwise?"

No matter how much he thought about it, Yan Huan couldn't figure it out, "Actually, smallpox is enough, why do you want to make a smallpox poison, so unnecessary?"

The deterrent power of smallpox to everyone is much greater than that of Qihua poison.

(End of this chapter)

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