Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1203 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1203 Chang'an is gone, long miss (57)

Bian Que dislikes the contact with women the most, a large part of the reason is that he hates the smell of powder on women.

Today, his body is stained with powder and powder, there must be some woman who has been close to him.

Yan Huan blinked at him, his eyes were purely curious, "Master, where did you go after you came down..."

Bian Que lowered his eyes, took the medicine bowl, and changed the topic logically, "The medicine is cold, I'll make you another bowl."

Avoid talking about it, there must be ghosts.

She stared at Bian Que's back and said softly.

"Master, you smell like a woman's makeup."

"I was called to Ning'an Palace by the empress dowager after she came down to court, probably because of accidental contamination."

He left the side room after leaving a word, Yan Huan let out a long sigh as if discouraged, and fell back on the bed.

Before entering the bedroom, Bian Que would take off his outer clothes and put them on the screen at the door, and he would wear new and clean outer clothes in the bedroom.

If it was the smell of powder that was accidentally stained, then there should be no smell after he took off his outer clothes.

But...if you put on new clean clothes and still smell of makeup, it's not as simple as accidentally getting it on.

Bian Que must have gone to Ning'an Palace, but it is not known whether there are other young and beautiful women in Ning'an Palace besides the Queen Mother.

Yan Huan sighed, girls are usually a bit stupid and confused, but when they encounter something wrong with their partner, they are all comparable to Sherlock Holmes.

The queen mother was afraid that Bian Que would reveal what she had done, and seeing that Bian Que was almost [-] years old and still alone, she must have wanted to give him a woman.

In normal times, if a woman wanted to get close to him, Bian Que would definitely avoid her, but he did not avoid this woman, and instead had close contact with her, smelling of makeup, so there is only one possibility.

This woman is not an ordinary court lady or female official, but the daughter of an important minister's family in the court. Bian Que can't refuse face to face and save her face.

And the Queen Mother wanted to give Bian Que a woman, so she must be someone from her natal family in order to control her.

Yan Huan racked her brains to think that she didn't care much about the officials of the previous dynasty, so she didn't know what official positions the Empress Dowager's natal family had, and whether she had any daughters to marry.

But she doesn't know, there are many gossips in the hospital, which is much clearer than her.

After Bian Que went out in the afternoon, Yan Huan handed a note through the small window to the passing nurse, asking him to bring it to another nurse.

That medical lady is the most gossip person in the palace. Not only does she know about the affairs in the harem, but she also knows which official outside the palace has adopted a new concubine.

After a while, the little doctor slipped a note through the window.

Yan Huan's eyes lit up, and he ran over to pick it up.

"The only one that fits is Huang Mengying, the granddaughter of the empress dowager's eldest brother Zheng Erpin Shangshujia, who is sixteen this year. Her favorite makeup is Huanyan Pavilion's Sanyuefengsu, the main flower is Ditanghua, 15 taels of silver per box. "

As expected of the most gossip person, Yan Huan just asked casually what kind of makeup powder she used, but she didn't expect that she really knew, even how many taels of silver a box.

Ditang flower, that's right, today Bian Que's fragrance of powder does have the smell of Ditang flower.

But so what if she asked, she couldn't fight with Huang Mengying.

Besides, she is only Bian Que's apprentice, what qualifications does she have to fight with Huang Mengying?

Going around, this matter still depends on Bian Que's attitude. If he is willing to marry Huang Mengying, she has nothing to do.

 Thank you Qing Lianyan for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yuewu for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thank you-Yuge°reward 99 book coins~

  【Good evening~~~】

(End of this chapter)

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