Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1208 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1208 Chang'an is gone, long miss (65)

The side curtain fell with a clatter.

The crisp and melodious sound of the agate stones colliding with each other gradually subsided, Bian Que exhausted all his strength, and finally issued a soft voice to persuade him to stay.

"Don't go."

But at this time Yan Huan had already run away.

Cai Wenji's Ruanjin powder here is too powerful, it was specially developed for her at that time, to let her defend herself in the palace, but who knows that it was used on himself in the end.

This Ruanjin powder is no better than the ordinary Ruanjin powder. A strong man will not be able to wake up for a day after being overwhelmed by the medicine.

Cai Wenji escaped at this time, and he couldn't chase her at all. When the effect of the medicine wears off at noon tomorrow, Cai Wenji should have escaped from Chang'an long ago.

This girl is really...

How did she know that he would be angry and never forgive her?

She is all his.


Yan Huan has been in the Tai Hospital for so many years, and she has kept in mind the location of every flower and grass in the Tai Hospital. Even with her eyes closed, she knows which roads are there, where they lead, how long it will take, and when there will be patrols. The Imperial Forest Army passed by.

She was nimble and flexible, and knew this place well, so she slipped out of the Tai Hospital without much effort.

It is convenient to go out of the Imperial Hospital. Not many people in the palace know her, and no one in the palace knows that she has smallpox. Even if anyone recognizes her, they only know that she is an apprentice of an academician of the Imperial Hospital.

Yan Huan touched the token on his waist, feeling more at ease.

She walked quickly to the north palace gate, and the imperial guard saw that she was wearing the clothes of a doctor's woman from the imperial hospital, and politely stopped her and asked why she was leaving the palace.

Yan Huan took out the token from his waist, "I am an apprentice of an academician of the Taiyuan Hospital. I was ordered by the academician of the Taiyuan Hospital to go out of the palace to get emergency medical materials."

Bian Que often went out of the palace, and the imperial guards all recognized the token given by the emperor, so they didn't doubt it too much.

The Imperial Army nodded to her, and kindly reminded, "Miss, remember to come back before the palace gate is locked."

Yan Huan also bowed back, "Of course, I still know the rules."

Yan Huan walked out of the sight of the Imperial Forest Army as usual, it was mid-afternoon, the late autumn sun was not that warm, and there was a tense cold sweat on the back, and it was still a bit chilly from the wind.

Fortunately, she came out, but after she came out, where could she go?

She only had two plain silver hairpins on her head, no gold or silver, no valuables, and she didn't even bring any change of clothes, she was still wearing the hospital outfit.

She regretted not taking the small treasury she usually kept with her, otherwise it would be enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

It's just that she was too anxious when she came out, and she didn't have time to think so much, mainly because of the situation at that time, her head was completely dazed, and when she thought of Bian Que's angry, sullen and cold face after waking up, her brain became even more blank.

She can't stay in Chang'an, but where else can she go if she leaves Chang'an?She doesn't have much money, even if she leaves Chang'an, what can she do?
It is difficult for a rich man to be a man without money. It would be great if there are some acquaintances and friends outside the palace who can borrow some money.

Yan Huan wandered around the streets, everything here was very strange, she had been in the palace for so many years, she had never had the chance to leave the palace, and she didn't know anything about the outside of the palace, let alone any acquaintances and friends.

When I came out, I was still at a loss.

Yan Huan stopped by the side of the street and sighed sullenly.

It seems...she has acquaintances outside the palace!

No, no, no, not an acquaintance, but a relative!That distant relative who has never had the opportunity to go out of the palace to find her!
 Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xi's Jinyan for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you. Sister Koi rewarded 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Jihuang Maoqi for rewarding 99 book coins~

  【Good evening~~】

(End of this chapter)

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