Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1221 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1221 Chang'an is gone, long miss (78)


erythema? !
This man has red spots on his neck!
Is it...

This man has the plague? !
impossible!This person has a good appetite and spirit, even his eyes are full of radiance, how could he get the plague?

This man's appetite is really, really good.

When she came, she saw that he had just eaten a large plate of beef and drank two jars of wine, and now he had eaten two large plates of beef and drank two jars of wine.

The appetite of a normal man is not like this.

Could it be that after being infected with this plague, the appetite would increase to an abnormal level?
Yan Huan stood up, his face pale, "There are red spots on your neck!"


The man also turned pale with fright, and was struck by lightning, unbelievable!

"When you passed the gate of Kaiyang, you really didn't get close to those dying patients?!"

The man touched his neck several times, and jumped anxiously, "No! I'm also afraid of death! How could I go up to see those dying people?!"

There must be other infectious agents, otherwise he would have been infected with the plague just by looking at it twice!
"You were at the gate of the city. Did you eat anything? Use anything? Touch something? Smell something?"

"From the beginning to the end, I was in the carriage. I didn't eat, use, touch, or smell at all..."

The man wanted to swear to the sky, suddenly his face changed drastically, and he said with trembling lips, "I... did smell it at the time, didn't I tell you that those dying people will be burned, I will, I will Look in the carriage to see if the undead will be burned..."

Yan Huan quickly took a few steps back, "So you smelled the smell of burning those people's bodies?!"

The man seemed to have been sucked out of his soul, and he slumped on the ground, "Yes, I can smell it, the burnt smell of human flesh, and the pungent bitter smell, I, I have such red spots?!"

The man raised his head and stared at Yan Huan, the desperate desire to survive in his eyes made her feel suffocated.


It was indeed a erythema, and she could not be mistaken.

The pungent bitter smell is probably the poisonous smell emitted by the infected virus in the patient's blood when it is incinerated.

No wonder Kaiyang's disease spread more and more. Even though all the sick people's corpses were burned, they still couldn't control the plague.

I didn't expect that apart from being infected by touching, even smelling the gas of burning corpses and burning sick clothes and articles would carry the virus!
What is the concept of a virus in the air?
It is really possible that when all the people in Kaiyang die, the disease will continue to spread to the outside world!
"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, what should I do? How to treat it? Aren't you good at medicine? Can you save me?"

The man rushed over to grab her, but Yan Huan instinctively hid back!
It's not that she doesn't want to help him, but now she doesn't know what kind of virus the plague is, and the antidote hasn't been developed yet, so how can she help?
This kind of plague virus is so overbearing that it can kill people on the same day!
It would be wronged if she also contracted the plague and died.

"Don't get excited! First use the floating bell grass, Tiyuan flower, Baqu, see blood grass, Changwan vine, Xiaohe..."

She racked her brains to think, and reported all the names of detoxification herbs that she could think of.

"Use these herbal medicines, take them internally and soak them externally, and see if they can ease the condition. I will develop an antidote, but I'm not sure if I can develop an antidote..."

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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