Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1229 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1229 Chang'an is gone, long miss (86)

"Hey, I heard that the academician of Tai Hospital is crazy!"


"What nonsense, how is it possible?!"

"The female doctor at Tai Hospital told me herself!"

"How to say how to say?"

Immediately, a group of court ladies gathered around, looked around, and found that the head nurse was not there, so they gathered together and whispered.

"You know that the academician has an apprentice, right?"

"Of course I know! Didn't his apprentice move into Wanqiu Palace before? Then he moved out again."

"That's right! That apprentice is dead!"

The timid maid was shocked!

"How can you die in the palace? Could it be that there are... assassins in the palace?"

"What kind of assassin! I heard that he ran out of the palace privately and died outside the palace!"

The maids gathered around were trembling with fear, "It's broad daylight, so I'm panicking when I hear it."

"A few days ago, the academician came back with her body in his arms, acting like a madman. He was obviously dead, but the academician wanted to treat her, and even fed her three meals a day!"

A court lady sighed, "Oh, the apprentice who has been raised for so long died suddenly, the academician must be very sad."

"Now, the corpse is stinking, and the queen ordered the corpse to be buried this morning."

"Buried? Where to bury?"

"Who knows? This matter is still done without telling the academician."

"Oh my god! If the academician knows it, wouldn't he be going crazy?!"

"Shhh...don't talk, the nanny is here!"

The crowd dispersed in a rush, and picked up the broom to sweep the ground in an orderly manner.

into the night.

Because the dwarf hill here is close to the palace, people from the palace often bury their bodies here.

There are several new graves on the hill, and the soil around one is still wet, so it should be buried today.

A few black shadows came towards this side, their footsteps were extremely light, and they had already merged with the darkness of the forest.

"It's here."

There was a soft sound, and then several people started digging the grave.

It didn't take more than a stick of incense for them to dig out the corpse inside.

"Fill it out."


Several black shadows hugged the corpse, and left again with very light steps.


When Yan Huan woke up and saw Xue Chongshan's old face, he was so frightened that he was dying and sat up!

[Strategy character favorability +50, current total favorability: 90]

Wait... 50 favorability points?Did she hear correctly?Where did this come from?

Seeing Xue Chongshan's relieved face, Yan Huan asked in surprise, "Why are you?"

As soon as he opened his mouth to say a word, his throat hurt like hell.

"Don't speak in a hurry, your throat will hurt if you hold your breath for so long."

Etc., etc……

Yan Huan rubbed her head, what's going on with her?
Didn't she remember that she was infected with the plague and covered in red spots, and then Bian Que came to her suddenly?
Later, Bian Que wanted to take her back to the Imperial Hospital, and she lay in Bian Que's arms...

Why are you here with Xue Chongshan now?

Did her memory go wrong, or did Xue Chongshan bring her back from Bian Que?

"Do you have the strength to walk? If you don't have the strength, I'll carry you on my back. We're going to Shangdu now."

Yan Huan hoarsely said, " found me again?"

If Xue Chongshan really took her away from Bian Que, then Bian Que...

"Where's Bian Que? Did you do anything to Bian Que?"

Xue Chongshan hated Bian Que, and Bian Que would not allow Xue Chongshan to take her away rashly.

Now that Xue Chongshan has taken her away, does that mean that Bian Que has been killed by him?
 Thanks to Ajiu, who wasted his time, for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks to Datura Noir for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Ningzhi for rewarding 297 book coins~

  Thank you Xiao Xingchen for rewarding 500 book coins~

  Thank you for calling me cute and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengling for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Love Zhan Enchanted Zhu Yan for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks to Shili Desolation Rouge Tears for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good evening~】

  [Send the blade back to you, hee hee]

(End of this chapter)

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