Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1231 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1231 Chang'an is gone, long miss (88)

Yan Huan just woke up from a few days of suffocation, and she couldn't raise her spirits. Xue Chongshan tied her with a rope, and she had no strength to fight back.

The self-defense Ruanjin powder on his waist was lost on the way or was stolen by Xue Chongshan, and there was no way for him to taste the Ruanjin powder again.

Yan Huan was tied up and returned to Shangdu.

The deep-rooted thought of Xue Chongshan and other ancient people is that the father's debt should be paid by the son.

So even if the enemy's children have not participated in those open and secret fights, in Xue Chongshan's view, because of his father's mistakes, he must die.

So he hated the new emperor and Bian Que.

But Yan Huan, a modern person, feels that what happened back then really has nothing to do with Bian Que. He is him, and his master is his master. How could he be allowed to die because of his master's fault?
The carriage wheels creaked on the ground, and the corner of the curtain of the carriage was unintentionally lifted by the wind, revealing the city tower of Shangdu, Yan Huan's heart sank.

Niangqin is also in Shangdu.

She is very afraid of facing her mother now, she can argue with Xue Chongshan with a stiff neck, she can say that Bian Que is not wrong without fear, and she can show that she likes Bian Que carelessly.

But when facing her mother, she couldn't speak.

She was afraid of seeing her mother's accusing and disappointed eyes, and she was afraid that her mother would say what Xue Chongshan said, how did she give birth to this white-eyed wolf.

The so-called closer to the hometown is more timid. She is not only timid, but also afraid that her mother will blame her and order her not to be with Bian Que.

If this is the case, will she betray her mother by then?
She leaned against the wall of the carriage worriedly, and the carriage drove on the busy street without any shyness.

Shang is not considered prosperous, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, the emperor can't control here, and most of the officials here in Shangdu are former staff or subordinates of their family.

After the first emperor ascended the throne, many of my father's subordinates who were demoted are moving closer to the Shang capital, in order to gather together for future planning.

Yan Huan was conflicted in his heart.

She felt that her relatives were all framed to death, and she should avenge them, but those who participated in that incident all passed away. Could it be that she wants to seek revenge from their descendants like Xue Chongshan?

Besides, she doesn't like these intrigues and bloody winds, she just wants to help the world with Bian Que.

Bian Que, I don't know how Bian Que is doing now.

Xue Chongshan was too strict with her, she didn't even have a chance to send a letter to Chang'an.

Xue Chongshan's foothold in Shangdu is in the busy alley next to the market. It is conceivable how fearless they are in Shangdu, and they are not afraid of being discovered by those who are interested in what they are secretly planning.

The carriage stopped, Yan Huan's arms were tied behind his back, and his feet were also tied together, already a little numb.

Saying that she is Daddy's daughter, the backbone of their group, is not using her as an excuse for treason.

He can use the banner to rehabilitate the former prince who died unjustly, and to give justice to the orphans and widows who are still alive.

How much can there really be for the sake of father's innocence?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed her to stay in the palace for so long. Was it because he was afraid that saving her might scare the snake and reveal his identity?
Nothing is good, and nothing is true.

Xue Chongshan opened the curtain of the carriage and walked in, untied Yan Huan expressionlessly.

Before getting off the carriage, he did not forget to tell him, "Don't try to run away when you come to Shangdu, you can't run away either."

 Thank you Changan for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you for missing it, you will be rewarded with 100 book coins for a lifetime~

  【Careful (* ̄3 ̄)╭】

(End of this chapter)

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