Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1235 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1235 Chang'an is gone, long miss (92)

Unexpectedly, my mother is not the kind of boudoir woman, but a smart and intelligent woman.

"There's not enough time, I'm afraid that the people discussing matters over there will come to me at any time, Zhaoji, you can walk the rest of the way by yourself."

Madam Yuan took off the burden she was carrying and stuffed it into her arms, "If you encounter a fork in the road, turn right, all turn right, don't remember wrongly."

"There is a lot of gold and silver in it, enough for you to use on the road, and there are men's clothes in it. It will be safer for you to dress up as a man and go to Chang'an Road."

"By the way, Ruanjinsan and Menghan medicine, I put some in your bag for you in case you meet bad guys."

Mrs. Yuan was worried about her, and babbled a lot of advice, but in the end she just watched her cry.


Yan Huan held her hand to prevent her from leaving, his eyes became hot, and he couldn't help crying again.

"Mother, can't you go with me?"

If you stay here to revolt, it's okay if you succeed, but if you fail, wouldn't you die?
"Mother, you must take care of yourself. If Dad knows about it, I also hope that Mother can live happily with Zhaoji."

With tears in her eyes, she solemnly knelt down and kowtowed three times to Mrs. Yuan.

"Zhao Ji will wait for you in Chang'an."

She turned around and looked back at Mrs. Yuan several times reluctantly. Mrs. Yuan spoke to her back, tears streaming down her face.

"Will Bian Que treat you well for the rest of his life?"

Yan Huan nodded resolutely, "He will, when mother comes to Chang'an, Zhao Ji will bring him to salute you."

"Okay, let's go, don't waste time."

Madam Yuan watched her turn and leave in front of her holding the fire folder.

Regarding the uprising, the possibility of success is not guaranteed. She is really worried that Zhaoji will stay here and uprising with them when the time comes.

If things come true, Zhao Ji will be trapped in the palace and be a puppet for the rest of her life.

If things fail, Zhaoji will be the first to be killed.

When she escaped from death in Chang'an with Zhaoji in her arms, it was not for her to come back to be a puppet or die after a few years.

Even without Bian Que, she would let Zhaoji escape from Shangdu.

This secret passage is very long and twists and turns, and it is unknown where the final destination leads to.

Fortunately, there was nothing else in it except the musty smell. After Yan Huan walked for a long time, Huoziezi's light in front was finally blocked.

There is no road ahead, and the small door should be opened above the head just like before.

She tiptoed and knocked on the top of her head, revealing a slight gap, Yan Huan pushed open the small stone door on her head with all her strength, "Wow——"

A large handful of soil was poured on the pocket, and Yan Huan shrank his neck in fright!

Where does this lead to?farmland?forest?
She climbed up the edge of the stone gate, the cold moon was shining faintly, it was an empty farmland.

A little further away, you can see the teahouse built with thatched sheds and the red lanterns lit by the posthouse.

On both sides of this wide official road, ordinary inns can only light yellow lanterns, and only official post houses can light red lanterns.

Sure enough, these secret passages were for Xue Chongshan and the others to escape. Not only were there stables where they could buy horses to escape, but they could also go to the post house to rest when the enemy did not come after them.

Yan Huan didn't dare to enter the post house, who knows if the people inside would recognize her, and it would be a waste of effort to get out and be caught by these people.

With her waist bent, she trotted lightly towards the stable, intending to buy a docile mare.

 The prediction was wrong, it seems that today this plane will not end

(End of this chapter)

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