Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1237 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1237 Chang'an is gone, long miss (94)

The weather in midwinter is extremely cold, coupled with the dry climate in Chang'an, heavy sand and dust, in winter, the breath is dry and cold and chokes the throat, making people shiver when walking outside.

The more you go this way, the more deserted it becomes. Everyone in Chang'an who lives nearby knows that this small hill is the place where dead bodies were thrown out of the palace. It is eerie and eerie, and most people would not approach this way.

Yan Huan wrapped the thin jacket tightly around his body, his teeth were chattering from the cold, and he quickened his pace towards that place.

There is a thatched hut that has been unoccupied for a long time under the hill.

There used to be forest guards here, but later no one dared to guard the forest, and the thatched hut was abandoned.

Yan Huan let out a long breath, it's okay, otherwise if Bian Que were really here, he wouldn't even have a place to stay.

The door of the thatched hut was open, Yan Huan clenched his palms, his heart was beating fast, and he walked into the thatched hut bravely.

It is said that Bian Que is crazy, but I don't know... how crazy has become.

Unkempt, gibberish, crazy, sloppy?

She didn't even know how to treat him.

As a result, after entering, before I could see the layout inside, a silver needle suddenly flew towards me!
The man said in a low and cold voice, "Get out."

Yan Huan:? ? ? ! ! !
A small half of the silver needle pierced into her shoulder, and a burst of numbness spread from her shoulder to all parts of her body, Yan Huan collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

Bian Que, you murdered your own wife!

She wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Yan Huan fell to the ground, unable to move, when he saw a person walking out from the shadow of the room, dressed in black, with scarlet eyes, which made his facial features even more evil.

He looked at Yan Huan's face indifferently, his plain eyes were suddenly shocked beyond measure.

He stared at himself, his eyes were terribly bloodshot, Yan Huan felt that he was not excited after parting, but wanted to beat her to death.

Bian Que squatted down, showing a vague murderous look, "Why did you pretend to be her?"

Yan Huan:? ? ?

What are you pretending to be? It's really a fake Monkey King!You let me speak, I am Cai Wenji!

She stared at Bian Que with her eyes, hinting, hinting desperately, hinting crazily.

However, the other party did not understand her crazy hint.

Bian Que picked up her collar and dragged her in, "You came just in time, I was thinking of making a medicine man exactly like her, so you just saved me trouble."

Yan Huan: Whoa, help me!Bian Que is really crazy!Didn't even recognize her!And make her into a medicine man!

"Stab, stab—"

The clothes dragged on the floor making an unpleasant noise, Yan Huan wanted to cry but was dragged to a corner by Bian Que.

There were many bottles and jars piled up all around, and the bitter smell of medicine permeated the air. In another corner was a large dark brown barrel. It seemed that Bian Que was not trying to scare her, but really wanted to be a medicine man just like her.

Bian Que pulled out a veil from his waist, and undressed her expressionlessly through the veil.

The first thought that popped into Yan Huan's head was to fuck first and then kill.

His fingertips were slightly cool through the veil, and his tone was slow and lazy, with a hint of expectation, "Wash it clean, soak it in the medicinal juice, soak it for 21 days, um... it may take longer."

Soak your head for 21 days, what about pickles!

He took off Yan Huan's coat, middle coat, and inner coat. He took off all of them without any cover, and goose bumps covered Yan Huan's body from the cold.

Then, Bian Que's eyes stopped on the wrapping cloth on Yan Huan's chest, and he frowned slightly, "What is this?"

 【happy first anniversary! ! ! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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