Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 124 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 124 Not the Ake in your memory (25)


Gu Ningyuan raised his eyebrows, his sharp eyes locked on her, as if he wanted to see from her eyes whether she was lying or not.

"Okay, now it's my turn to ask you."

Yan Huan said casually, "Chu State is going to send a batch of things to Qin State. I want to know the time, place, and accompanying personnel."

Gu Ningyuan said without hesitation, "On the sixth day of next month, Xiangcheng, Chu State, I will accompany you, General Huwei, and eight hundred soldiers."

Yan Huan said it silently in his heart, then nodded, "Okay."

Gu Ningyuan twirled his thumb, with curiosity in his eyes, "You don't doubt, is what I said true or false?"

Yan Huan sneered, "I just want a message to go back to my life. If you said it, even if it's false, what can I do?"

Gu Ningyuan also smiled, with interest in his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became hot, "You little girl, you are very special."

He approached, ready to pinch Yan Huan's chin, but she flashed past him.

Gu Ningyuan was also not angry, and deliberately sprayed his breath on her face, and said with a half-smile, "Don't try to escape, my Shangshu Mansion can only enter, not exit."

The two were very close, Yan Huan's eyes were mocking, without any shyness or retreat.

A mere Shangshu Mansion, still want to detain me?

And look out of the window.

Gu Ningyuan seemed to be close to Yan Huan, kissing her.

Gao Jianli's face was livid, his phoenix eyes were piercing, soaked in frost, his chest was filled with inexplicable emotions, sour, angry, and the oppressive atmosphere around him was suffocating!

He took the risk and sneaked into Shangshu's mansion in broad daylight. Is this what he saw? !
Gao Jianli couldn't bear it anymore, he drew out his soft sword, and opened the window with one blow!
Yan Huan was startled, and immediately pushed Gu Ningyuan away, picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at the person coming!
Gao Jianli tilted his head and dodged it, his face darkened even more.

She actually shot herself? !
When Yan Huan saw clearly that Gao Jianli was standing in front of him...

Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°;
It wasn't until she realized that Gao Jianli had already made a move!
Gao Jianli's murderous intent was violent, his phoenix eyes were scarlet, as if stained with blood, his sharp brows became more cold and hard, and the soft sword stabbed Gu Ningyuan in a fatal position!
Yan Huan was at the side, he didn't know where to put his arms and legs!

Gao Jianli, this is to kill Gu Ningyuan!

A little pity rose in Yan Huan's heart.

The damned Heart of Our Lady!
Just now, he scolded Gu Ningyuan, but now he wants to kill him, but he can't do it!
What she, an assassin, is too soft-hearted!
Yan Huan stood aside and didn't help, Gao Jianli's anger was burning in his heart, and the burning was even worse!

Gao Jianli's martial arts were already higher than Gu Ningyuan's, but now he was in a state of rage, and Gu Ningyuan couldn't hold back within a cup of tea.

The soft sword pierced his shoulder blades, Gao Jianli raised his eyebrows, his eyes were bloodthirsty, and he spoke coldly.

"Which hand touched her?"

Gu Ningyuan smiled provocatively, "Hands, lips, every part of the body has touched her."

Yan Huan:. . .Are you courting death?

Gao Jianli was furious when he heard this, and with a black face, he directly inserted the sword into his heart, and pulled it out expressionlessly.

"Death is worthless."

Yan Huan stayed where he was!

Gu Ningyuan, just like that, died like this? !
Gao Jianli took the tablecloth, wiped off the blood on it slowly, and tied it back around his waist.

Yan Huan looked at the lifeless Gu Ningyuan on the ground, blood poured out from his heart, he was sure to die.

But, it always feels weird.

 Gu Ningyuan: Am I getting a lunch box?
  Mengmeng: Guess
(End of this chapter)

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