Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1240 Secret love is not painful at all 【Han Xin】

Chapter 1240 Secret love is not painful at all [Han Xin]

【Worried about Qi. Add more~】


【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Congratulations to the player who successfully conquered Plane 18, and rewarded with 200 diamonds]

[Reminder: The next plane is anti-raider mode, players need to reach a true love value of 100 for the raider character, and there are no hidden tasks]

It's anti-raider mode again...

Eh?Why did she say again?

She seems to have encountered an anti-raider plane before, who came from the Raider?

Can not remember.

"Is the next plane difficult?"

[Difficulty factor of the 19th plane: ☆☆]

[Transmission starts! 】


"Wake up, wake up, why did you fall asleep at noon?"

The middle-aged woman's voice sounded like her mother waking her up in the morning.

Yan Huan fell asleep lying on the table, the arm under his head was sore and unconscious.

She raised her head and looked at the middle-aged woman next to her in confusion. The middle-aged woman patted her face, "Quickly check to see if it is found. I just went downstairs and met Aunt Chen from Huayuan Community. Her daughter's score has been checked. !"

check?Check what?
Yan Huan rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the computer in front of him.

The website of the Provincial Department of Education is now opening a link to this year's college entrance examination score check.

Name, Ning Xiao, exam admission number and ID number have all been entered, and she is just waiting for her to click to check.

"Check it out!"

The voice of the middle-aged woman was trembling with nervousness, which made Yan Huan involuntarily tense.

She shook her hand and clicked on the query, and a list popped up.

Chinese: 124, mathematics: 138, foreign language: 141, comprehensive: 274
Total score, 677.

What kind of person is the original owner of her body!

A top student, a top student, with such a high score in the college entrance examination? !
"Well, it's okay, it's working normally."

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Yan Huan on the shoulder, "Anyway, I don't have any hope of you performing supernormally, as long as you perform normally as usual, I will be satisfied."

"Do you want to eat fruit? Mom will cut it for you?"

Yan Huan shook his head, "No, I'll take another look."

Her mother nodded, "Okay, first look for the top five schools in the country, and look for the ace majors of each school."

Yan Huan:. . .

It can be seen that this mother is quite strict with her daughter and has great expectations.

The door was closed, Yan Huan yawned.

"System, system!"

[The launch of the new plane system is delayed]

Well, I never expected too much from the system.

Yan Huan looked around in the room, Ning Xiao's room was well-organized and tidy, it looked like a clean girl's room.

There was a big photo album on the top of the bookshelf, and Yan Huan wanted to take it out to read, when three long photos fell out from the middle.

There are dozens of people standing neatly on each photo, which looks like a graduation photo.

The first photo was a primary school graduation photo. Ning Xiao was still very immature at this time, but in the second photo, which was a junior high school graduation photo, she could vaguely see that she was pretty.

The boy standing behind Ning Xiao was not bad at all, his eyes were half-raised lazily, and he looked a bit wicked, not like a serious student studying.

When it came to the last high school graduation photo, Ning Xiao at this time was a delicate and stunning beauty, and Yan Huan was surprised to find that the wicked boy was standing behind Ning Xiao again.

Is it such a coincidence?

She took out her primary school graduation photo and looked at the boy standing behind Ning Xiao.

That's right, it's still this boy.

He was in the same class as Ning Xiao from elementary school, to junior high school, and then to high school, and he always stood behind her when taking graduation photos.

 New plane! ! !sprinkle flowers~~

(End of this chapter)

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