Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1242 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1242 Secret love is not painful at all (3)


Yan Huan also finished eating, and silently put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Mom, let me wash the dishes for you."

Ning's mother waved her hand, "Go to the room and finish your application for the exam. Let your dad treat your class teacher to dinner tonight, and ask him which majors are popular in recent years."

"Okay, then I'm going back to my room..."

Yan Huan closed the door and sighed.

She got a good score in the test, but Han Xin didn't even take the college entrance examination.

In fact, he is very smart. In Ning Xiao's memory, Han Xin urged her to go to the canteen to buy food after her self-study in the evening. from.

Yan Huan sighed again.

Why get angry with his scumbag father about his own future.


The phone vibrated again.

It was a text message from Teacher Ma from the tutoring class.

Yan Huan raised her eyebrows, she had to change this note, otherwise she would think it was really a message from the tutoring class every time.

"I bought you some desserts. Open the window and I'll pass them to you."

The layout of this building is the same, Ning Xiao's room is directly below Han Xin's room.

She opened the window, and the scorching heat from the sun poured in from the window. Yan Huan looked down and saw a clothes pole propped up.

There was a plastic bag with a packing box hanging on it, and she took the plastic bag, Han Xin retracted the clothes rail, leaned against the window and gave her a naughty smile, bright and dazzling.


He said these two words with his mouth.

"Thank you."

Yan Huan also replied two words.

She closed the window, the dessert box was cold, and the air conditioner was blowing. She felt that this summer was not as relaxing as she imagined.

Yan Huan boarded QQ, and the class was very lively.

Everyone has checked the scores, and now some people are happy and some are worried.

"The best test in our class this time, who do you think it will be?"

"Do you still need to guess? It must be Ning Xiao, she is the first in the class every time she takes the exam."

"Maybe there are other dark horses."

"We haven't seen Ning Xiao bubbling up until now."

"Could it be that she didn't do well in the exam, and now she is sad and doesn't care to read the group news?"

Yan Huan silently set the class to not remind.

Not many people sincerely hope that she will do well in the exam, and everyone hopes that she, who is always number one, will make a mistake this time, so that they will have a good show.

"Ning Xiao did not do well in the exam, alas."

As soon as Yan Huan pulled the group into Do Not Reminder, he saw Han Xin send such a message.

The people in the class were attracted by his words, and many divers came forward to express their concern and comfort to Ning Xiao who did not do well in the exam.

Some people who wanted to see more excitement asked, "How many points did Ning Xiao get in the test?"

"Ning Xiao is probably crying right now. She only got 677 points in the test, so she doesn't know if she can get into F University, alas."

The group fell silent.

Yan Huan laughed out loud.

Last year, F University's minimum score in their province was 662 points. This year's test is more difficult than last year, and the score line will be a little lower.

She must be stable in entering F University, and she can choose a good major.

When Han Xin said this, it was like stuffing a fly into the mouths of those who had no good intentions and wanted to watch the excitement, which was very disgusting.

Everyone complained in their hearts, pretending to be B, what's the big deal.

Yan Huan sent a message to Han Xin, "Just ignore them, they still have to say I'm showing off after mentioning the score."

Han Xin replied in seconds.

"If they have the ability, they also show off with 677 points."

 Thank you Yunsi, and reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xinxin for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks to the fanatics for rewarding 988 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Meiqian Rushui for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Good afternoon~~~ I love you when I wake up]

(End of this chapter)

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