Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 127 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 127 Not the Ake in your memory (29)

This hussar general of the Qin State has only taken office not long ago.

His father was the original hussar general who died on the battlefield the year before last, and his son succeeded him as the general and became the current hussar general.

And this young hussar general went to the border with his father when he was young, so many people in the capital didn't know what he looked like.

She and Gao Jianli pretended to be the couple, so it was not easy to pass through.

It was the middle of the night, and the wind at the border was extremely bleak, with yellow sand sandwiched between them, and the whirring sound was like howling ghosts and wolves, and the sound was shrill.

General Hussars will leave tomorrow for the capital of the Qin State. In the general's mansion, everyone has been busy packing up their things for a day. Now they are sleeping soundly, and the mansion is very quiet.

Yan Huan and Gao Jianli successfully sneaked into the master bedroom of the General's Mansion. The room was filled with a faint smell of blood. In the night, two men in black were dragging the corpse from the secret passage under the bed.

This should be the dead Hussar General and his wife.

Two innocent lives were easily annihilated in the night.

After the corpse was moved down, one of the men in black whispered to Gao Jianli, "Leave at a quarter o'clock tomorrow."

Gao Jianli nodded, and the man in black retreated silently from the tunnel.

"Click" sound.

The bed was closed, and everything was silent again.

Yan Huan looked at the bed and frowned in embarrassment.

This is the rhythm of sleeping together...

Gao Jian took off his coat and lay down on the soft couch by the window, his voice was low and tired.

"Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Yan Huan was surprised, "Oh."

She thought Gao Jianli would sleep on the bed.

It's autumn, and the nights are a bit cool, the wind at the border is strong, and the cold wind comes in through the cracks in the windows. Gao Jianli only wears thin underwear and sleeps on a soft couch, not even a quilt.

Yan Huan scratched his head, he looked a little miserable.

She took off her coat and got under the quilt, she said softly, a little shy, "You'd better sleep on the bed, it's cold at night."

"It's okay."

Yan Huan persisted, "Come here, if someone comes in and finds that we sleep in different beds, it will be bad..."

In the dark night, Gao Jianli smiled softly.

"Since Madam is so persistent, I'll come here."

Yan Huan blushed, leaned against the inside of the bed, turned his back, and closed his eyes.

A piece of the bed beside him sank, the man's aura covered him, and Yan Huan's whole body became stiff.

He also slept with Gao Jianli before, when he was disguised as a guard in the Prince's Mansion of Wei State.

But at that time, their relationship was ordinary, and Yan Huan was disguised as a man, so there was nothing embarrassing about it.

It's different now.

Lang is affectionate, concubine is intentional, sleeping together, always feel weird.

Yan Huan kept leaning against the wall, the bed under him was empty, and two corpses were transported down just now...

Yan Huan's scalp was numb, and he didn't sleep well all night. The next day, he got up in a daze, went to the carriage and fell asleep.

Gao Jianli rode in front.

A round of red sun was slowly rising from the east, and the bright red light sprinkled on his armor, which was also coated with a layer of light red.

If, if he is really the hussar general Song Zhouzhi, and Ah Ke is also his wife, it would be great.

They are not assassins who are uncertain about life and death, hiding in hiding, but an ordinary couple.

Go outing in spring and release paper kites, go boating in summer to enjoy lotus, autumn in autumn to appreciate the yellow ginkgo, and winter in winter to see the snow-covered plains.

It's just that, for ordinary people, this is an extremely simple matter, but for them, it is more difficult than anything else.

 Thank you Qi Lingyaoyao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yangxi Qichen for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 498 book coins~

  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 998 book coins~

  What a cutie ╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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