Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1279 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1279 Secret love is not painful at all (40)

Last night was probably the best time Yan Huan slept this semester.

The curtains blocked the light, and he didn't know what time it was. The bed next to him was already empty. Yan Huan sat up blindfolded and looked around the room. The door was closed, and Han Xin wasn't there.

On the bedside table was still the mineral water bottle that he warmed her stomach last night. It was completely deformed and looked a little funny.

She took the mobile phone from the bedside table to check the time, and pressed a note under the mobile phone.

"I'm going to buy you breakfast, and you can sleep for a while."

It was Han Xin's handwriting, so he went to buy her breakfast.

It's already eight forty.

This semester, I have never slept so late before waking up. I usually get up around [-] o'clock for morning reading, class, or self-study.

The pain in the stomach was gone, and the relative was just a teaser. Han Xin didn't sleep much all night, so he waited on this noisy relative.

On the bathroom shelf, next to his dark blue mouthwash cup, there is a light blue mouthwash cup, the toothbrush is light blue, and even the toothpaste he bought in a light blue outer packaging.

He spent two hours shopping yesterday, and it turned out that he bought them for her just because he wanted them.

[Player favorability +50, current total favorability: 50]

"I thought that this plane is no longer a favorability degree."

I have never heard the sound of the system, and now I hear it like a century ago.

The system remained silent.

It wouldn't say that it was fascinated while eating melons and watching a movie, and forgot to indicate the favorability.

After Yan Huan finished washing up, Han Xin happened to buy breakfast and came back. The timing was just right, and she really wondered if Han Xin knew exactly when she would wake up.

"I bought small wontons. I have found many places in City F, but this one is the most similar to the taste of the store opposite our old library."

Two wontons were placed on the dining table, and the long-lost aroma could be smelled through the plastic cover. It was indeed similar to the taste of the store opposite the old library at home.

He took out the plastic bag in his hand one by one, brown sugar, warm water bag, warm baby stickers, and her favorite snacks.

"You are too..."

She frowned, distressed and helpless.

"You don't need to do this, you make me feel very uncomfortable."

The relationship between the two is not on a balanced line. It is obvious that Han Xin paid more and did more for her.

The dark circles under his eyes were even worse, he was obviously tired and tired, and he still smiled as bright as spring, naughty but gentle.

"I like you, I just want to be very good to you, I want to spoil you to heaven, and I want you to be soaked in a honey jar every day."

He skillfully made a cup of brown sugar, "Although your relatives are gone, if you drink brown sugar for a few more days, you will always be sloppy and lazy, and you will be the one who suffers in the end."

The two wontons placed on the table are very harmonious, and wisps of mist rise from the gap of the plastic cover, making this winter morning extraordinarily warm.

"Is the sun out today?"

"Out, it will be warm at noon, and then you can go to the balcony to bask in the sun."

"So what are you going to do today?"

"I'll be with you."

She and Han Xin ate wontons face to face, just like every time in the store opposite the old library, he sat opposite her, and he could hold his hand when he reached out.

"Why don't you go to my house during the winter vacation?"

Han Xin choked, swallowed the whole wonton without chewing it, and coughed until he choked!
"Cough cough! Cough cough! You, what are you talking about?"

Yan Huan picked at the wontons in the bowl as if nothing had happened, "I said, come to my house during the winter vacation..."

(End of this chapter)

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