Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 129 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 129 Not the Ake in your memory (31)

The rain kept falling, and the day to meet the King of Qin was getting closer and closer, so Gao Jianli had no choice but to hurry along with the soldiers when the rain was light.

General Hussars has a mansion in the capital, leaving a housekeeper and a few servants to clean it from time to time, but it is clean and tidy.

Yan Huan put away the umbrella, and entered the house with Gao Jianli. The embroidered shoes were wet, and the socks were also wet and uncomfortable.

The maid went to bring her dry clothes and shoes, Yan Huan sat on the carved armchair, took off her shoes and socks, and dried her wet feet.

Gao Jianli only glanced at him, turned his face away as if he was electrocuted, and his face was flushed.

Her feet are small and delicate, with round pink nails and curled toes, as exquisite as jade carvings.

Ake's facial features are sharp and cold, but these feet are as delicate as a woman's.

Yan Huan looked at his red face, wondering, "Why is your face so red, do you have a fever?"

Gao Jianli clenched his fist and coughed unnaturally, "In front of outsiders, remember not to show your feet in the future."

Only then did Yan Huan react.

Forgot, people in ancient times were very feudal, and their feet could only be shown to their husbands.

If the summer is hot, you wear sandals and go to ancient times with bare feet, then congratulations.

You have to kneel in your family's ancestral hall until the end of time.

Yan Huan put his feet on the chair, his face full of embarrassment, and he clumsily pulled the hem of his skirt to cover it.

Gao Jianli chuckled lightly.

"Whatever is covered now, I've seen it all."

Yan Huan's expression turned serious.

Gao Jianli patted the non-existent rain on the hem of his robe, and spoke with a faint smile.

"Don't be afraid, I will take care of you."

Gao Jianli changed his face today, and now it is Song Zhouzhi's face.

He has a handsome face, but in his eyes, there is always a hint of Gao Jianli's teasing.

Yan Huan felt that he deserved a beating.

The maid took the clean shoes and socks, Yan Huan was no longer embarrassed, and changed them directly in front of him, then turned around and went into the inner room with the dry clothes in her arms.

Ancient clothes are complicated to wear, especially for formal occasions. Fortunately, Yan Huan is now the general's wife, and someone takes care of her dressing and dressing.

Song Zhouzhi's wife has a demure personality, and she rarely talks, which saves Yan Huan a lot of trouble.

Such a character is easy to disguise.

The maid changed her into a fancy dress and painted her exquisite makeup.

Tonight, the newly enthroned King of Qin will host a banquet for civil and military officials in the Qin Palace.

This is also the first time for all the officials to formally meet the new monarch. All the officials, as well as the female relatives, dare not show any negligence in their elaborate attire.

The hairpin on his head shook heavily and shortened his neck, Yan Huan didn't dare to show an irritable expression, and only looked at himself seriously in the mirror.

The woman's face is very delicate.

A melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, apricot eyes and red lips, although not a beautiful face, it is still Xiaojiabiyu.

She murmured to herself, "It's pretty good-looking."

"Not as good as you."

Yan Huan turned around, the maids had already retreated at some point, Gao Jianli had already changed into court clothes, and was looking at her coolly with his arms folded.

This flirtatious...

Yan Huan stepped forward, straightened his clothes, and asked softly, "What kind of person is the new monarch?"

When it came to business, Gao Jianli became serious.

"The new monarch, it's...unexpected."

Yan Huan was curious, "How to say?"

Gao Jianli's eyes froze, "The deceased King Qin had six sons, and one of them was weak and sick all the year round, lingering on the sick bed, and didn't leave the house a few times a year."

"And the new monarch who overwhelmed all the heroes and ascended to the throne is this weak and sickly third prince."

 In the next plane, do you want to see the ancient Zhizunbao and Zixia, or the modern Zhuge Liang?

(End of this chapter)

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