Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1294 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1294 Secret love is not painful at all (55)

"But your parents want you to study further."

Yan Huan held his hand, with pitiful eyes, "I don't want to live the life arranged by my parents, I want to do what I want to do."

From childhood to adulthood, she was forced to be an excellent child in the eyes of her parents. Not only did she have to have good grades and a good personality, but she also had to cultivate her hobbies, such as Mathematical Olympiad, piano, and painting.

Now that she is an adult, she has grown up, and she still has to follow her parents' requirements, or live a step-by-step life.

She didn't want to, her belated rebellion.

"Whether it's for the postgraduate entrance examination or going abroad, I have to study for two or three years, and you have to wait for me for two or three years."

"I'm willing to wait."

"But I don't want you to wait."

The atmosphere condensed, and it was rare for her to be so stubborn about one thing. Han Xin finally chose to compromise.

"I have good news for you too."


He took out a stack of papers from his bag and handed them to her. The tenderness and love in his eyes softened her heart.

It's a purchase contract.

"The house is written in our names. I have already paid the down payment, and I will pay the rest of the mortgage."

When did he buy a house without telling her? !

"You... bought it last month?"

I bought it last month and told her this month.

"Is today a special day?"

Han Xin's earlobes were red, and he was a little embarrassed, "It's not a special day, it was the summer vacation of the year I graduated from high school. When I left, I set a goal in my heart, that is, to be able to buy a house in City F. Today is exactly [-] days. "

"I originally wanted to wait until everything was ready before confessing to you. Who knows that we have been together for more than two years."

Yan Huan's expression was indescribable.

Wait until everything is ready before confessing, what does he think?

If she hadn't been so stubborn to be with him, I don't know when to wait for his confession.

"You idiot."

She sighed, helpless, and moved.

"The subway station is 200 meters downstairs from the house. It is also convenient to take the bus. It is on the sunny side. I think you will like the layout."

"The master bedroom is larger, the second bedroom is smaller, and there is also a study room. The smaller bedroom can be used by children in the future. We..."

His expectant eyes dimmed, and he carefully looked at Yan Huan's expression, her face also paled.

He pursed his lips, he really didn't want to open any pot, why did he mention the child?

Han Xin quickly changed the topic, "Which day is your internship off? I'll take you to see it then."

Yan Huan put away the bowls and chopsticks and walked to the kitchen, "Let's talk about it, I won't know when I can take a vacation until I go to practice tomorrow."

A moth was caught on the screen window in the living room, and it hit the screen window one after another. It was stubbornly attached to the light, as if it would break the screen window before giving up.

The air conditioner was not turned on, and I didn't feel hot when I just ate, but now my heart felt stuffy for no reason, Han Xin sighed heavily.


He turned on the air conditioner in the bedroom and went to help Yan Huan wash the dishes together.

"Why didn't you use hot water? The water is cold. I'll wash it. You can go to the bedroom."

She is a person with a frail and sensitive mind.

The more he thought about her needing to take good care of her health, the more he would undoubtedly remind her over and over again that she had health problems.

Han Xin was standing next to her, his movements were not proficient, a little clumsy, he was washing the dishes seriously with his head down, Yan Huan hugged his waist and leaned on his shoulder.

"what happened?"

She didn't speak, just hugged him silently, her eyes dimmed.

 Ning Xiao in this plane just doesn't have a pleasant personality
  I don't want to write that all heroines are perfect, because most girls in this world are not perfect

  Imperfect girls can also be pampered and loved by others

(End of this chapter)

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