Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1299 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1299 Secret love is not painful at all (64)

The door was banged several times, but no one answered.

Han Xuzhao's back was covered with cold sweat, and the nurse in a white coat still smelled of disinfectant, which was pungent and frightening.

"Is it... the girl in the room called the ambulance?"

The nurse glanced at him, "Do you know the lady on the phone in the room?"

Han Xuzhao nodded with a pale face, "What happened to her? When did you call the ambulance?"

Another nurse was on the phone, "It's the 12th floor of unit 1, building 6. I just called and said, um, please hurry up, it's a matter of human life."

Han Xuzhao grabbed a nurse's sleeve anxiously, "What happened to her? I'm her friend!"

The nurse pulled out her sleeves, "This lady called an ambulance 10 minutes ago and said she had a serious allergy."


The property owners who came in a hurry squeezed through the crowd and opened the door, nurses and doctors rushed in, Han Xuzhao squeezed in at the back, and Ning Xiao was already carried on a stretcher by the nurses.

He followed downstairs in a daze, drove behind the ambulance, and called Han Xin, but no one answered.

I dialed four or five times in a row but no one answered.

Angrily, he smashed his mobile phone on the co-pilot and cursed.

what? !

Where is he every time Ning Xiao needs him?He even worked overtime on his birthday this time. Is there so much work?

He cares more about his girlfriend than he does outsiders, Han Xin or something!
Han Xuzhao was so angry that the speed of the car soared all the way, faster than the ambulance, and the sharp brake stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

The nurse pushed Ning Xiao, who was in shock, into the emergency room, and Han Xuzhao went to go through the hospitalization procedures. The hospital hall was chilly, he was sweating profusely, and his heart was pounding non-stop.

By the time everything was done, Yan Huan had already received an infusion on the hospital bed.

The doctor glanced at Han Xuzhao, "Fortunately, she called an ambulance herself. It's just a temporary shock and there is no major problem. She knows the allergens herself, so just pay more attention in the future."

Han Xuzhao nodded, "Then can I go in and see her now?"

"Okay, have you completed the hospitalization procedures?"


He set up an independent ward for her, with only her bed, quieter.

The person lying on the bed was receiving an infusion, and a strand of long hair hung down the side of her face, making her look even paler.

She should also know which things she is allergic to, so why did she accidentally touch it.

Fortunately this time, she found out by herself and called an ambulance in time. If he didn't call an ambulance and he didn't look for her, then wouldn't she...

After thinking about it for a while, Han Xuzhao's heart throbbed.

In the final analysis, Han Xin is still worthless, so forget it, work is important, girlfriend is not important?
There is only one birthday in a year, and it is only this day. I can't accompany her on this day. She almost had an accident at home alone.

Either way, it's Han Xin's fault.

Han Xuzhao's face was livid, and he touched his pocket. The mobile phone was thrown on the co-pilot at that time. He hurriedly grabbed the wallet to go through the formalities, but didn't take it.

Thinking that Han Xin might call back, Han Xuzhao went back to the car with a dark face and took the mobile phone, turned on the screen of the mobile phone, but there was no news.

It's past eleven o'clock, almost midnight.

No one answered the phone call to Han Xin before, and now it's midnight, won't he return his call?
What's the matter, you have to be busy until midnight?
Han Xuzhao was so angry that he wished to drag Han Xin over to fight him!
He cursed in a low voice, "Scumbag!"

(End of this chapter)

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