Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1311 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1311 Secret love is not painful at all (76)

Han Xuzhao made more than a dozen phone calls to Han Xin, and the bombardment of text messages was even more severe, but there was still no reply.

He had a gloomy expression, not knowing what happened to Ning Xiao and Han Xin.

Is it interesting to play Disappear and Lose Connection with one or both?

He drove all the way to the downstairs of Han Xin's house, dialed Han Xin's number again, and was about to go up and kick the door if no one answered, Han Xin finally answered the phone.

Han Xuzhao got a headache, "What are you two doing? Can you tell everything you need to say before disappearing? The head of the company's human resources department is going to annoy me to death, and Ning Xiao!"

The person over there was silent, and the voice of the answer was tired and light.

"Ning Xiao broke up with me."

Han Xuzhao was taken aback.

They broke up for good?
How did they break up? Ning Xiao has been normal in the company for the past few days, and she didn't notice that she and Han Xin were arguing and getting awkward.

"What about her?"

"I don't know, I'm gone, I don't know where I went."

"What did you do to break her up?"

The phone over there hung up, and there was a beeping busy tone, and Han Xuzhao was really angry.

Is Han Xin out of his mind? !
He can't have a proper relationship with a girlfriend that others covet but can't, so treat Ning Xiao better?
Han Xuzhao's face became gloomy again, and he went upstairs and kicked the door of Han Xin's house.


If Han Xin didn't open the door, he might as well kick the door down.

The people inside opened the door, and the strong smell of alcohol came in, Han Xuzhao frowned in disgust.

There was no expression on Han Xin's face. There was nothing more sorrowful than heartbroken. He was now in a state of despair.

"Stop kicking the door, kick me."

Han Xuzhao lifted his collar, his eyes were scarlet and lifeless, as if he had just cried.

"What the hell did you do?!"

"I slept with another woman."


Han Xin smiled, "I slept with another woman."

"MD you bastard!"

Han Xuzhao punched him directly in the face!
"Are you fucking human?! You have Ning Xiao, and you're still messing around outside?! You fucking... say you're a beast, you're not even worthy of a beast!"

Han Xuzhao grabbed Han Xin by the collar and punched him hard again. He didn't fight back at all, and he didn't respond at all, like a puppet without a soul.

"Where did she go, I ask you where did she go, don't pretend to be dead for me!"

"Han Xin! Originally, I just thought you were useless and worthless, but now, you are a scumbag!"

"Are you happy being an illegitimate child? Are you proud that your mother is a mistress? Now that it's you, what you do is really exactly the same as your father!"

Han Xuzhao threw him to the ground, gritted his teeth angrily, and was worried about Ning Xiao again.

He growled, "Have you ever thought about whether Ning Xiao is gone, or is she looking for her own death?!"

One sentence successfully brought back Han Xin's consciousness.

He struggled to prop up his body from the ground, "She, will she miss it? She's not so..."

Han Xuzhao sarcastically said, "Not so what? Not so fragile?"

How could he not be vulnerable, girls are fragile, how could he accept that he slept with other women.

If she really can't think about it, if she really dies.

In the great summer, his whole body was icy cold, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Han Xin stood up from the ground, stumbling, "I'm going to find her, I'm going to find her..."

(End of this chapter)

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