Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1313 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1313 Secret love is not painful at all (78)

Two years later.

The female students who came out of the apartment all looked sideways at the handsome Chinese guy standing downstairs. Two Korean girls went up to ask for a number, and the handsome guy politely said that he was waiting for his girlfriend.

When Yan Huan came out of the apartment, he saw Han Xuzhao waiting for him downstairs, smiling all over the place.

"Why are you here again?"

Han Xuzhao suddenly lost his face, "Brother, do you know how difficult it is for me to go abroad to see you once? What do you mean again?"

Two years ago, he asked his father's police friend to find out that Ning Xiao had bought a plane ticket to country M. He thought that she might be studying abroad, so he asked the teacher in the student office of the college, and learned that she had indeed obtained a certificate for studying abroad. .

Han Xuzhao went around asking people to inquire about Ning Xiao in the top-ranked universities in M ​​country, but there was no result. He had no choice but to wait until after graduating from senior year, and gave a lot of gifts to the teachers in the archives, only then did he find out about Ning Xiao's graduation registration. The destination is the best university for finance in country F.

Ning Xiao went there to study abroad, of course Han Xuzhao didn't want to stay in his company, and clamored to study abroad.

His father didn't agree, so he froze all his bank cards, confiscated all kinds of documents, and locked Han Xuzhao at home until the end of September. Foreign colleges and universities have closed their enrollment.

Those days were really the hardest for him.

At the beginning, he was worried because he couldn't find Ning Xiao, but later he was locked up at home and couldn't find her. During that time, he was in a daze, thinking that he was suffering from depression.

Now that Han Xuzhao is going abroad on business, his father still looks at him so strangely, which may be overshadowed by his nervousness during that time.

Yan Huan pursed her lips and smiled, "Is it difficult? I think you run quite a lot."

Han Xuzhao looked at her arrogantly, "It's harder than going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, but someone doesn't appreciate it."

Yan Huan had no choice but to say, "I mean you have a lot of business to do in the company every day, so you often go to me to waste time."

If you are willing to be with me, I will run hundreds of times a day without wasting time.

Han Xuzhao smiled, "The company's business is very free, so I'll come to chat with you."

He took Yan Huan into the reserved restaurant, Han Xuzhao ordered, and asked the waiter to pour her a cup of hot water.

For so many years, Ning Xiao's relatives have not changed the date when they come to see her, and they are very punctual.

"What do you plan to do after graduation, returnees, are you interested in working in my small company?"

He looked at Yan Huan with a smile on his face, "Say something nice to me, and I can open the back door for you, um... How about skipping the ordinary staff and being promoted to the department manager?"

He added in his mind, of course, you can also be the wife of the general manager if you want.

Yan Huan drank the hot water slowly, with a pale face, "Forget it, if I go back to China, I won't stay and work in City F."

It's been two years, and she still keeps secrets about F city and that person in F city.

In fact, I can't forget it at all. If I really forget it and don't care, it's calm and breezy when I mention it again, not like her, whose eyes are still covered with a layer of sadness that cannot be dispelled.

Why has it been two years and I still can't let go of Han Xin.

"Ning Xiao, I said..."

Yan Huan came back to his senses, "What are you going to say?"

Her eyes resisted hearing people and news she didn't want to hear.

So Han Xuzhao never mentioned those things in front of her again.

He is a little selfish.

(End of this chapter)

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