Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1323 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1323 Back to the original encounter (7)

Yan Huan nodded and smiled cutely.

"Thank you for reminding me, sister, please lead me to identify Sun Ce's family, otherwise I will have to ask someone tomorrow."

After the woman washed the quilt, she kindly took Yan Huan to Sun Ce's house. Yan Huan offered to help her carry the wooden bucket, but she was a little staggering when she walked, so the woman refused her offer to help.

She stared at Yan Huan's leg, wondering, "Your leg hurt?"

"No, it's just that I just sat for too long and my legs are numb..."

The woman nodded dubiously, and after walking for a while, she stopped and pointed Yan Huan to the big courtyard next to her.

"Here, that's Sun Ce's house."

It looks quite impressive, the Sun family makes a living by shipping, and they can be regarded as a well-known rich family in Jiang County.

"Thank you sister!"

When the spirits enter the mortal world, they want to hide their aura. Yan Huan was afraid that the aura in Da Qiao's hair would be discovered by other spirits when he arrived in the mortal world, so he made a little of it.

Entering the mortal world, the aura of mortals is too heavy, and even a bit of spiritual energy dissipates, so I don't know where Da Qiao is exactly.

Fortunately, she happened to meet someone who knew Sun Ce on the shore, otherwise she didn't know when she would find out.

"Excuse me……"

Yan Huan wasn't sure if Da Qiao and Sun Ce knew each other at this time, and if they knew each other, they might not necessarily live in his house, but it didn't matter to ask first.

"May I ask if a woman has entered the mansion in the past two days? Hmm... the hair is very long, dark brown, and the eyes are blue, very gentle and beautiful."

The guard nodded, "You mean Miss Da Qiao, right?"

"That's right! That's her. Is she in the mansion now? I have something to see her."

The guard frowned, "Who are you?"

Yan Huanxiao was obedient, "I'm Da Qiao's younger sister. I really have something very important to find her, or you can go in and tell her and say that her younger sister is looking for her."

The guard went in to report the news, Yan Huan didn't wait at the door for a while, and the guard told her to go in.

Da Qiao must be shocked and angry now, this younger sister who never let her worry about, unexpectedly sneaked out from Fanhai to find her.

The Sun family's mansion looks magnificent from the outside, but the house layout and environment structure inside are random, with no fixed style, as if it comes to tinkering here whenever it comes to mind.

Da Qiao lives in the inner courtyard, and the inner courtyard is usually where the masters live. Da Qiao can live in the inner courtyard just after entering the mansion?

Private life?
This speed of development is simply not too fast.

Could it be that Sun Ce's wish was to find a wife?

Oh my god, the world is a fantasy.

At the door of the side room in the inner courtyard, Da Qiao stood there, his face was a little cold, and it was the first time he saw a cold look in his eyes.

It's over, Da Qiao seems to be really angry.

Yan Huan walked over in small steps, smiling flatteringly, "My sister doesn't seem very happy to see me..."

Da Qiao frowned, "Go back."

"It's all here, my sister is going to drive me away just now."

Da Qiao's voice was gentle at first, but when she got anxious, she trembled as if she was about to cry. Yan Huan felt that she was a sinner, and that such a gentle person would make her cry with anger.

"Don't you know the seriousness? Are you really not afraid of being kicked out of the genealogy? Usually you like to play and be naughty, I only think of you as a child, but now you must not be naughty in this matter."

Yan Huan whispered, "I didn't come to the mortal world to play, I was worried about my sister and wanted to help my sister with the task."

(End of this chapter)

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