Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1342 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1342 Back to the original encounter (26)

Grandfather woke up that night, he just didn't have the memory of the more than three years of coma, other face-to-face is not a problem.

Knowing that it was Da Qiao who saved him, grandpa was so grateful that he almost knelt down to thank her.

Yan Huan thought, since there is nothing to repay, let your son promise you with his body.

May the Lord's wish come true, as long as Sun Ce returns to Fanhai and fulfills his wish, Da Qiao's mission will be completed.

Early the next morning, Sun Ce practiced it for Da Qiao, and she was leaving Jiangjun today.

Saying it was a practice, Da Qiao couldn't eat the food, and she couldn't drink the wine. Sun Ce poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her. He hesitated, not knowing what to say.

There are a lot of things to say, but in the end, since they can't stop Da Qiao from leaving, it's useless to say anything.

He was holding the teacup, his heart was beating rapidly, the blush spread from the base of his ears to his face, and Sun Ce's voice trembled nervously.

"After Miss Da Qiao left Jiang County, I don't know where she wants to go..."

Da Qiao bent her lips and smiled, "Let's walk around, the scenery is different everywhere, I want to have a look."

There is not even a fixed place.

Sun Ce's heart sank, feeling a little lost.

It took him a long time to pull out a smile, but his eyes were not stained with a smile, and he spoke mechanically, "That's right, great rivers and mountains, ten thousand kinds of scenery, it's not in vain to be able to visit them one by one."

He looked at Da Qiao's gentle face, she was extremely beautiful, her eyebrows were exquisite and picturesque, like a beauty walking out of a painting.

Da Qiao nodded, "Young Master Sun, remember to go to Fanhai to fulfill your wish, then... let's take my leave."

She turned around, and Sun Ce suddenly felt that if she left like this, he would never see her again in his life.

How can there be such a coincidence, she will return to Jiang County again.

He was suddenly a little anxious, and asked Big Qiao's back, "Then if I want to find you, I don't can I find you?"

Da Qiao turned her head back, her eyes dazed, "Your father has fully recovered, and nothing will happen again."

"No no no..."

Sun Ce was so anxious that he said no three times in a row, "We, are we friends? If I want to find you, I think... I want..."

He just couldn't open his mouth and said, what if I want to see you.

Yan Huan was dying of anxiety.

You just say that I want to see you, I don't want you to leave, I have a crush on you!
Really stupid!
With Da Qiao around, it's not easy for her to use her spiritual power to force Sun Ce to confess his love.

Yan Huan kept winking at Sun Ce, the more she winked, the redder Sun Ce's blushing face became.

He just stared at Big Joe and didn't speak.

Da Qiao blushed from his straight gaze, Yan Huan answered directly for Da Qiao.

"If you want to find my sister, go to Fanhai to find a conch, put your words into the conch, and throw it back to Fanhai, my sister will be able to hear your words."

It sounds like the legendary stories told by his grandmother and him when he was a child, like a special agreement between fairies and mortals.


"You can try it if you don't believe me."

Da Qiao also nodded, and went out of the Sun's courtyard together with Yan Huan. Sun Ce followed slowly behind them, wanting to send them further away, but was too embarrassed to follow.

Sun Ce stood at the gate, watching the two figures gradually go away, he was annoyed in his heart, why didn't he ask one more question, why didn't he ask her if she could not leave...

But she wanted to see more and farther scenery, not just confined to this small place in Jiang County.

Then he can also say that he is willing to wait here for her to come back from her travels.

Why couldn't he muster up the courage to say it...

(End of this chapter)

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