Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1345 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1345 Back to the original encounter (29)

After waiting for almost a month, Sun Ce still did not come to fulfill his wish.

There are already several people who have completed their missions and come back, and their vows come every few days to fulfill their vows.

Da Qiao was worried, and the high priest and patriarch were anxious.

According to the rules, if the Lord does not come to fulfill the vow, then even if your task is completed, it will not count in the end.

A rule is a rule, and no one is qualified to break it.

At first it was Da Qiao who won the first place, but now it has been a long time since anyone came to fulfill his wish. As the leader said, he became more and more emboldened.

Da Qiao was worried and anxious, she wasn't worried about whether she could complete the task, she was anxious, why didn't Sun Ce come to Fanhai to fulfill his wish, he obviously agreed at that time.

Da Qiao couldn't calm down to practice spiritual power at all. Yan Huan could clearly feel her irritability, and looked up at the sea again and again, with eager and timid eyes.

"Sister, there is nothing you can do if you are always in a hurry here. Why don't you beg the high priest to let you go to the mortal world again, and you go to the Sun's mansion?"

This is not too difficult.

After all, the high priest is also worried that Da Qiao will not be able to complete the task.

Da Qiao wrung his fingers slowly, his eyes were a little dazed, and he was still indifferent after hearing her words.

Yan Huan rested his chin, "Don't you like the mortal world very much? Go again, aren't you happy?"

Da Qiao pursed her lips, her eyes were downcast, lonely and pitiful, her eyes were a little awkward, and her fish tail was wagging up and down impatiently.

"Do you think he didn't take my words seriously at all? I told him three times that if he wanted to fulfill his wish, he would come to Fanhai. He also agreed again and again. Why didn't he come?"

How could he not take Da Qiao's words seriously?
Sun Ce looked so honest and upright, and the love for Da Qiao revealed in his eyes was also sincere, and he didn't look like that kind of double-faced person.

Yan Huan suggested again, "Let's go to the mortal world to have a look, he must be in trouble, something troublesome has entangled him, making it impossible for him to fulfill his wish."

Or, Sun Ce did not know where he heard about the mission rules of the Red Carp Clan. He knew that Da Qiao belonged to the Red Carp Clan. He is the Lord of Da Qiao's wish. If he doesn't go to Fanhai to fulfill his wish, Da Qiao will not be able to complete it. task, then it is just a little fairy, and no one will care about living together with him in the future.

So, Sun Ce is too scheming, right?
"Little Qiao, why are you frowning and then loosening? Are you all right?"

Yan Huan was not that nervous at first, but now he was thinking wildly and became worried.

"I'm going to the mortal world to secretly observe what kind of person Sun Ce is, because he can't come and fulfill his wish for anything."

She always does what comes to her mind.

"Sister, do you want to go together?"

Da Qiao showed embarrassment. She didn't ask the high priest for instructions, and she went out of the world without permission. It was against the rules and she would be punished if she was found out.

Yan Huan smiled indifferently, "Forget it, it's the same when I go to see it. I'll just come back and tell you if it's not right. My sister will wait for me for two days."

Yan Huan swung his fish tail, transformed himself into a clone of himself, and swam towards Fanhai's guard.

"and many more!"

Da Qiao called her to stop and swam up from behind.

"I... I'll go with you."

Her tone was a little embarrassed, but her eyes were full of eager anticipation, and she nodded affirmatively again.

"I'll go find Sun Ce with you."

(End of this chapter)

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