Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1356 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1356 Back to the original encounter (40)

Anyway, she has lost half of her heart now, and her lack of body means she can't use more time and effort to make up for the lack of spiritual power. She can't cultivate into a fairy, and it's not bad to be a loose fairy.

"I see that your complexion has improved a lot. It seems that my blood has worked. I wasn't sure if it could save you from the curse."

Sun Ce propped up his body. He had a good physique at first, but he had regained a lot of strength and spirit after a while. He frowned.

"Your blood... can save this curse?"

Da Qiao nodded, "Since I saved you, I can save other patients infected by mortals, but I'm not sure if I can save those who drank the well water."

That kind of curse might be more powerful, and she didn't know that her blood vessels didn't work.

Sun Ce let out a long sigh, "Most of the people in Jiang County are infected with this cursed plague. You said that your father and the others are going to the heaven... When will the gods come down to save everyone?"

Estimated to wait a long time.

The time in the sky is no more than the time in the mortal world, and it is normal for a year and a half.

She also knew that people in Jiangjun couldn't survive even ten days, let alone a year or so.

"I use my blood to save those patients who were infected by mortals first, and save one more if I can."


Sun Ce was astonished, and immediately vetoed in a deep voice, "No, do you know how many people in Jiang County are infected with the curse? How much blood do you have? The number of people infected with the curse is increasing every day, and you... can't save it."

Da Qiao just wanted to save as many as he could.

"But I just saved you and ignored them, isn't it too selfish?"

Sun Ce shook his head, "I would rather you be more selfish. If you can't save everyone, then you can save some people, and what about the rest?"

"When a person is on the verge of death and despair, he can do anything. You don't have spiritual power now, and even a small number of people in the Sun family can't stand against thousands of people."

"In order to cure the plague, in order to survive, they can eat you without leaving any residue!"

Sun Ce's tone and expression were too serious, and what he said was so chilling, Da Qiao's face turned pale, unbelievable.


Da Qiao's perception of the mortal world has always been lively and laughing, harmonious and beautiful, and everyone is kind.

It is different from Fan Hai Hai Hai, that's why she yearns for life in the mortal world and wants to stay in the mortal world.

Is she too pure in mind, or is Sun Ce too worried?

Sun Ce's eyes were burning, and he warned in a deep voice.

"Many people in Jiangjun thought you were a monster before, but now you have no spiritual power, so stay in the Sun's mansion obediently, don't go out, and don't spread the news that your blood can save everyone, protect everyone. Be yourself, do you understand?"

Whether you say he is selfish or cold-blooded, as long as there is even the slightest possibility of hurting Da Qiao, he will never take the risk.

When people are in despair, they can really do anything. Morality, conduct, discipline, all things are not worth mentioning compared with life and death.

Da Qiao's heart is too pure and kind, he really can't bear what happens to her then.

So, let him be so selfish first, he will never let Da Qiao risk his life before he thinks of a better way.

It's time for him to protect Da Qiao again.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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