Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1358 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1358 Back to the original encounter (42)

What Sun Ce said is indeed reasonable, and it seems to be convincing.

Everyone has seen the fairy teacher he mentioned before, he is so beautiful, with a fairy temperament, not like ordinary people.

If it is said to be a fairy, it is really possible to be a fairy.

If the Sun family was protected by the gods, everyone would have been infected with this strange disease of the evil sect. In this way, they would not dare to be too presumptuous and anger the gods, and they might die immediately.

A few people in the front pushed their way out of the crowd.

As soon as someone took the lead to leave, many people followed them and left one after another.

Sun Ce is right, they can go to Fanhai to find the fish god, and the fish god will definitely hear their prayers.

The dark crowd dispersed, some walked towards their own homes, and some walked directly towards Fanhai.

Standing on the stone platform in front of the door, Sun Ce let out a sigh of relief when he watched the crowd disperse, and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand.

Fortunately, these people left.

People are very crazy and irrational when they are on the verge of death. Just now, everyone was so aggressive that they wanted to eat him alive. It was really strange and terrifying.

I have never seen such a ferocious and eager expression on these familiar faces.

Sun Ce asked someone to close the gate, and he returned to the main courtyard.

He couldn't help secretly thanking himself for his foresight at the time, not letting Da Qiao spread the rumor that her blood could cure her, so that others would know.

Otherwise, the situation will be more serious than it is now.


Before he reached the main courtyard, the pouring rain poured down, and he was drenched from head to toe.

Da Qiao watched from the window as he blocked the rain with his hands and ran over here, she took the umbrella and went out to pick him up.

"I looked outside and there seemed to be no sound. Have they all left?"

It was raining heavily, and people could not be seen clearly in the hazy rain curtain. Sun Ce was covered in rain, and he and Da Qiao shared an umbrella and stepped up the steps.

Sun Ce wiped the rain off his face and said with a smile, "I told them, instead of embarrassing a mortal like me, it's better to go to Fanhai to ask the Fish God, and they all left."

Da Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes were clear and moving, her voice was soft, "It turns out that an honest person like you can tell lies."

Sun Ce scratched his head in embarrassment, "I was afraid that they would really break in, and when they saw you, they would definitely treat you as a monster indiscriminately."

Under Da Qiao's smiling gaze, he became more and more embarrassed, and couldn't help but stumbled a bit when he spoke.

He explained, "Actually, I seldom tell lies. When I was young, I used to lie to my dad to play with my friends. Now I don't lie anymore."

Da Qiao didn't know why he had to explain so clearly.

She knew what kind of person Sun Ce was, and what he said just now was nothing more than a joke.

Sun Ce blushed, pursed his lower lip nervously, his eyes were burning, and he whispered, "Anyway, I will never lie to you."

His voice was not loud, and the sound of heavy rain was louder than his voice.

Da Qiao put away the umbrella, and the light cool breeze in the rain blew, bringing the moist coolness, blowing away the heat that shrouded people's hearts.

She bent her lips and smiled, "You will never lie to me, will you?"

Sun Ce nodded again and again, and was about to swear to the sky when Da Qiao pinched the tailbone of the umbrella handle and turned it gently.

She lowered her eyes, and her voice weakened because of nervousness, "Then you like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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