Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1377 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1377 Back to the original encounter (61)

The dream was bizarre.

The dark vortex couldn't see the end, Yan Huan stood on the edge, staring blankly at the crowd standing in front.

The people of the red carp clan, who are usually indifferent, laughed and played in front of her, chasing and fighting, which was an unprecedented sight.

"Didn't you close the small black room and ground your feet? How did you escape by yourself?"

Dad came out of nowhere, staring angrily, "Have you thought about it?!"

"Daddy, Daddy, you..."

With a straight face, the high priest poked the ground hard with his scepter, and reprimanded him coldly.

"Look at you, you have nothing to do all day long, you don't know how to learn, when will you reach the level of your sister's cultivation?"

Listening to the high priest's stern reprimand now, I actually feel very kind.

Da Qiao's gentle eyebrows and eyes appeared in the illusion, and his words were helpless but doting, "Little Qiao, why did you come to Jiang County again?"

"elder sister……"

"Sister, don't go, don't you always want me to study hard? I am willing to study hard, I will be obedient, and I will never run around again..."

"Sister, how can I save you? Can you teach me and give you half of my heart?"

It's a pity that even in the dream, even if I felt extremely uncomfortable and heart-piercing pain, I couldn't shed tears.

"Little Qiao, you have to be fine by yourself."

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

She raised her hand to caress Yan Huan's hair, her eyebrows and eyes were so gentle and real.

"You don't have to save me, you don't have to."

"elder sister……"

"Little Joe?"

"Tell me how to save you!"

"Little Qiao, wake up!"

"Tell me! Why don't you let me save you!"

"Little Joe!"

The dark vortex disappeared into a hazy white mist, Yan Huan opened his eyes with difficulty, the pain in his chest seemed to burst open.

The voice that called her just now was Zhou Yu.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

She coughed and vomited blood, her eyes were blurred, the tears in the corners of her eyes had dried up, and the stretched corners of her eyes hurt a little.

She propped herself up and sat up to get out of bed, "Big Joe! Where's my sister? Why am I here?!"

"You calm down!"

Zhou Yu frowned, and pressed her on the bed involuntarily, his right hand was wrapped in gauze.

That was when Zhou Yu stopped her before, she bit his palm with such force that the injury probably wasn't serious.

"They've been burned."

Her heart was slammed, and her rationality was in a mess, unclear.

Tears welled up, her eyes were sore, she struggled to get out of bed, her voice was hoarse.

"I'm going to save them, I'm going to kill those mortals! Why are you stopping me! Why are you stopping me!"

"They were already dead before that, why would you risk your life for two corpses?"

"That's my business!"

"Why do you care about me!"

"What right do you have to control me!"


With a crisp sound, Yan Huan was so excited that he was almost insane, with scarlet eyes, he raised his hand and slapped Zhou Yu on the face, his face turned to one side unprepared.

She cried heart-rendingly, her words were bitter and painful, and her desperate eyes were empty and lifeless.

"Not dead! They are not dead! You didn't let me save them, why didn't you let me save them, those are my sister and brother-in-law..."

"That's my own sister..."

Zhou Yu carefully held her shoulders, held her in his arms, and followed her back.

"You can cry hard, you can hit me, you can scold me, if you want revenge, I will not stop you, your health is too bad now, you should take care of your health first."

(End of this chapter)

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