Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1381 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1381 Love Will Never Die (2)

Yan Huan frowned, "No... I just, kinda... Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night."

The system hasn't told her about this plane yet.

Da Qiao held her wrist, "Then you go back and have a good rest, anyway, you will go to the mortal world tomorrow."


Da Qiao took her hand and walked back, "You don't have to worry, let's go to the mortal world to experience together, and I will always protect you."

"elder sister."

Yan Huan looked up and asked her, "Where is your wishing master from? What is his wish?"

Da Qiao frowned slightly, thinking about it in his head.

"Peace the troubled times, and give the common people a place to live and work in peace. May the Lord be... Sun Ce and Sun Bofu of Wujun."

and many more!

Same wish as Zhou Yu.

They are all about calming the troubled times and returning the common people a place to live and work in peace, so her and Da Qiao's tasks are actually the same?

"Little Joe, where's yours?"

Yan Huan told her the truth, but still felt that it was an incredible coincidence.

Is the system leaking water on purpose?
From this point of view, it does not seem to be twice as difficult.

"Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao, remember to wake up early tomorrow, the high priest still has something to say before sending everyone away."

There was a man's voice behind him, Yan Huan turned his head and saw a young man with a dark brown fishtail, with handsome features and a radiant look.

Yan Huan has no memory of information from this plane, and doesn't know who this man is, so he just nodded with a smile.

Da Qiao bent her lips and smiled, "Thank you, Senior Brother Ruihuan."


As soon as Senior Brother Ruihuan left, Da Qiao immediately turned around and looked at Yan Huan with burning eyes.

"The wish you mentioned just now, but you remember it wrong? Isn't the wish we both want to fulfill the same?"

Yan Huan shook his head, "There is nothing wrong with that, the wish and the identity of the Lord have been completely imprinted in my mind."

Da Qiao's eyes were surprised, "It's really strange. I've never heard of two people who have drawn the same wishes. It seems that God sees that we are twins and doesn't want us to separate and complete the task alone."

Yan Huan felt that if the system didn't come out and input information about this plane to her, she would learn everything from Da Qiao.

"You didn't sleep well, go back and catch up on sleep, we'll go find daddy in the afternoon."

Da Qiao stood at the door of the room, raised his hand and rubbed Yan Huan's hair, his eyebrows and eyes were like a light moon, tender and loving.

Heart will melt.

"Okay, my sister should also rest more. I don't think it's too difficult to wish the Lord this time. Besides, we can fulfill it together. Don't worry too much, sister."

The moment the door closed, the system beeped.

[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】


Sure enough, this world is completely different from the last one.

She and Da Qiao are twins, both 14 years old this year.

Both she and Da Qiao are direct descendants of the red carp family. In terms of cultivation, although she is mischievous, she is very talented. She didn't spend much time in cultivating spiritual power, but her spiritual power is not comparable to that of Da Qiao who has been practicing all day long. up and down.

Dad and the high priest both intended for Xiao Qiao to be the patriarch of the red carp clan in the future. Because of her high talent, she is a godsend to become an immortal. As long as she restrains her playfulness and concentrates on practicing, her future cultivation will definitely be in the future. Above Da Qiao, she will definitely far surpass her patriarch father and high priest.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, feeling a little worried.

It is very different from the setting of the previous life.

So for so many years, although Da Qiao is an older sister, hasn't she always lived under the halo of her younger sister?
(End of this chapter)

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