Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1399 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1399 Love Will Never Die (20)

Her ending was drawn out, as if she was being coquettish or wronged, Zhou Yu turned around and saw her looking at him pitifully with her mouth curled up, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose, panting slightly .

Due to her height advantage, Zhou Yu looked down at her, a bit condescending, but he smiled softly with curved lips, "Do you want to patrol with me?"

Yan Huan nodded, "But I walk slowly."

With her like this, I really want to rub her hair balls, or pinch her little face.

Zhou Yu had an inexplicable willingness to get close to her, as if he had known her for a long time.

He stood in place and waited for her to follow, with a soft voice that made the heart feel numb when he struck, "It's okay, I'll slow down for you."

When the sharp-eared soldiers behind him heard it, they lowered their heads at the same time, and thousands of grass and mud horses galloped past in their hearts.

Lord Dudu unexpectedly for a woman...

Although Lord Dudu was kind to others, he never took the initiative to show favor to any woman.

Who is this strange woman?I haven't seen it in Wu County.

Yan Huan looked into his eyes full of affection, and his smile was so gentle that it was thicker than the moonlight.

It's really like what Da Qiao said, Zhou Yu's appearance is provocative, no matter how gentle and considerate, how can there be a woman who doesn't like him and doesn't want to marry him?

Yan Huan followed his footsteps slowly, walking side by side with him.

Because of the teeth marks on his right hand, Yan Huan instinctively felt that the constant entanglement between her and Zhou Yu in the previous life had brought about this life again.

So I didn't speak too tentatively, but asked whatever I wanted.

"Master Dudu, if you go back so late after patrolling, won't your wife wait for a long time?"

Zhou Yu's face froze, Hao Ran was embarrassed, "There is no wife in the house, and I haven't married a wife yet."

Yan Huan blinked, and continued, "What about my concubine? None?"

Zhou Yu nodded embarrassingly, "The world has not yet been unified, and the lord is not yet married, how can I be obsessed with the love of my children?"


One or two don't fall in love because the world is not peaceful, but the world is not peaceful, and it won't affect your marriage.

The two of them are so single, and they are inseparable every day, aren't they afraid of other people's gossip?

such as……

cough cough.

Zhou Yu was right next to him, Yan Huan was still embarrassed to just flirt like that.

"Then Master Zhou Yu will not marry a wife and have children until the world is unified?"


Yan Huan frowned, "Then if the world will be unified after ten, twenty, or thirty years, then don't you have to wait until you become an old man before getting married and having children..."

With Yan Huan's indescribable expression, Zhou Yu felt that he might dream tonight.

Zhou Yu thought that it would be better for him to keep silent at this time.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, glanced at his face, and lowered her eyes to reflect whether what she just said was too explicit, which scared him.

She whispered weakly, "Lord Zhou Yu, am I a little noisy?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhou Yu caught a glimpse of her drooping fingers, twisted together uneasily.

There must not be so many rules among spirits. Xiao Qiao is still a little girl at heart, and it is normal to say what comes to mind. He is not angry, but he is a little embarrassed by what she said.

"You're not loud, you're just lively."

"Then you don't think I'm annoying, do you?"

"will not."

The crescent moon was hidden in the clouds, and the moonlight suddenly dimmed. Yan Huan silently moved a little towards Zhou Yu, almost touching his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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