Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1430 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1430 Love Will Never Die (51)

The servants were quite sensible, and did not follow up with the new house. Although according to the rules, they still had to remove the red hijab and drink a glass of wine accompanied by the mother, just looking at the lord Dudu who looked at the bride without blinking. The eyes, Mammy thinks about it, forget it.

I heard from the lord that the governor loves the bride very much. I haven't seen her for so many days, and I must miss him very much. Anyway, I have done all the necessary rules and etiquette. In the new house, let the newly married young man come by himself.

Yan Huan couldn't see the road ahead.

Zhou Yu held her hand firmly in his palm, and following his deliberately slow pace, she sat on the side of the bed.

Zhou Yu pinched the corners of her red hijab, the joy and excitement in her heart were like rolling waves, threatening to engulf him.

He lifted the hijab, and the woman under the hijab opened a pair of slightly ignorant eyes, looking at him quietly, her eyes were bright and clear, which complemented her rich and moving makeup, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off.

"My little Joe is the prettiest."

Zhou Yu bent his lips and pressed a kiss on Yan Huan's forehead. His voice trembled slightly because of excitement. Mrs. Zhou Yu, who was wearing a wedding dress, looked more and more delicate and seductive. The sparkling colors in his eyes were all reflected at this moment out her face.

Yan Huan threw herself into his arms, holding his eyes tightly, her voice sweet and coquettish.

"Xiao Qiao has finally married Master Zhou Yu. I have been waiting for a long, long, long time..."

Zhou Yu rubbed her forehead with his cheek, and the little girl was held in his arms, tender and weak, filling every corner of his heart.

"A glass of wine, can you drink?"

Yan Huan said honestly, "Although I haven't drunk it, it shouldn't hurt to have a drink or two."

Can the wine in the world still make a fairy drunk?
Zhou Yu kissed her forehead again, but he still didn't have the nerve to kiss her lips, even though he was his legitimate wife now, facing her, he still had a sense of sacredness that he couldn't bear to profane.

He drank a glass of wine with Yan Huan, and after the little girl finished drinking, her breath was stained with the clearness of wine, the smell of wine was light, but Zhou Yu was fascinated by all kinds of meat and vegetables.

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of Yan Huan's lips. The remaining wine was spicy and carried the fragrance of her breath. It was so intoxicating that it made people feel lazy. He just wanted to hug her so peacefully for the rest of his life without thinking about anything. Don't do it.

Yan Huan blushed when he kissed her.

The small earlobes are also bright red, like agate beads, cute and tight.

The door was knocked twice, Mammy saw that she had stayed inside for long enough, if she stayed any longer, Lord Dudu might not come out to toast.

She bit the bullet and urged the people inside, "Lord Governor, the lord and ministers outside are still waiting for you to toast, you have to come out..."

The night is long, and there is plenty of time in the evening to make love to each other, and you are tired of it. At this time, the rules should be the most important.

Zhou Yu sighed sullenly, and shook his head with a wry smile, "I really hate this kind of rule, which tells people to leave behind the love in the new house on the big day, and to be with the group of rough men outside, it's really..."

He sighed helplessly, Yan Huan pursed his lips and suppressed a smile, and gave him a slight push with no blame on his expression, "Go, you have to follow the rules, there are so many people waiting outside..."

Zhou Yu stood up, looked down at her reluctantly, Yan Huan pulled his skirt, pulled him and leaned over to listen to her breathing Rulan in her ear.

"My lord, please drink less wine at night."

 Grab the candy, because—

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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