Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1434 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1434 Love Will Never Die (56)

Without further ado, while Cen Yan was rushing to the country of Wu with his people, Sun Ce mobilized soldiers and horses on the border overnight, preparing to launch a provocation at the border.

Da Qiao first sneaked into Wen Guo's capital city, and cooperated with Wen Guo's Wu Guo agents to create riots in the capital, making the people's hearts unstable.

No matter what happened in the palace, neither Yan Huan nor Zhou Yu knew about it.

Because of Zhou Yu's marriage, Sun Ce gave him a five-day vacation, and he didn't have to deal with the affairs of the court for the time being. As a newlywed, he took Yan Huan to the suburbs to enjoy the lotus.

It's the end of summer, what about appreciating the lotus, I guess there are only stumps left on the lotus and lotus leaves, there is nothing to admire, but the lotus pods, she really wants to eat lotus pods.

"The last time I took a carriage with you was when we went to the graveyard in the outer suburbs."

Leaning in Zhou Yu's arms, she looked at the scenery outside the car window. The air was not as hot as in midsummer, and she could still feel a little cool in the middle of the morning.

Zhou Yu smiled, and she didn't blame Yan Huan for suddenly saying something unsightly.

The grave slope in the outer suburbs, this place is really unfavorable, but it was also on that eerie night that he and Xiao Qiao expressed their hearts to each other.

"I'd like to ride a horse with you, but your back is sore, it's better to lie down and take care of it."

Yan Huan choked, and looked up at him. He really didn't change his face when he said this kind of thing, Zhou Yu's face was getting thicker.

"You're not ashamed to say this in broad daylight."

He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair, "I'm talking about this with my own wife, there's nothing to be ashamed about."

The carriage stopped slowly, and Zhou Yu helped Yan Huan get off the horse, "Seeing that you have been bored in the Governor's Mansion, you should be more comfortable and happy when you come out for a walk."

The lotus has almost all withered, only the lotus leaves are still long and prosperous, and there is no depression of dead branches and leaves. At this time, the lotus pods have only grown recently and are the most tender.

There was an empty boat parked by the lake, Zhou Yu picked her up and boarded the boat, talking with great interest.

"It's better to go to the center of the lake to see it here. There are still many carp there, which are considered plump at this time. If you like it, we can kill a few and take them back..."

Yan Huan twitched the corners of his mouth, "Did you take it home and eat the soup?"

Zhou Yu put her down, helped her to sit on the boat, and felt that her face was a little strange, and asked in puzzlement, "Why? If you don't want to eat, you can take it home and raise it."

Yan Huan:. . .

Her expression was indescribable, "Did you forget that my original body is a red carp?"

Zhou Yu's face froze.

He really forgot.

He was only thinking about the delicacy of the carp in the lake at this time, and was going to fetch a few back to replenish Xiao Qiao, but he forgot that Xiao Qiao was a fish fairy.

"You want to eat me..."

Looking at her coquettish look, Zhou Yu felt helpless, "No, I just forgot that you are a fish fairy."

Yan Huan's heart was complicated, thinking that his relatives would be stewed by him...

Don't feel too sour.

Zhou Yu also felt that his outspokenness was funny, he raised his hand and rubbed Yan Huan's head, picked a lotus leaf and handed it to her.

"The sun is a bit strong at noon, and you will feel uncomfortable in the sun. Cover it with a lotus leaf. I will pick a lotus pod for you, and peel it for you to eat as an apology."

Looking at the rippling lotus leaves all around, Yan Huan felt relieved.

"This lake is really big."

Zhou Yu picked a few lotus pods and threw them on the boat. Yan Huan took one and peeled it by himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the water pattern not far away, which was a little different.

She turned her head to look, the lake was calm and there was nothing.

Maybe it's the water waves caused by fish swimming.

(End of this chapter)

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