Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1436 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1436 Love Will Never Die (58)

Yan Huan frowned.

"There is such a simple way, why didn't you say it earlier?!"

This snake demon, thanks to the fact that she still trusts him quite a bit, how can he keep his words, not sincere at all? !

Yan Huan picked up a lotus pod from the boat, and slapped it on the lake beside him, the snake demon backed away in fright.

"You are too bad! Why do you still tell me to find a living sacrifice when there are other ways? Are you joking about the lives of mortals?"

The snake demon was aggrieved, "Actually, I mentioned this method last time, but you just ignored it and didn't ask me again. I thought you agreed to use the method of life sacrifice by default..."

Yan Huan:. . .

"The easiest way you can use is not to find a person from the Three Realms with high cultivation and use it to break out of the barrier?"

The snake demon nodded repeatedly.

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows suspiciously, crossed his arms, "Are you cultivated high? Your father is cultivated? Your mother is cultivated?"

The snake demon kindly corrected him, "My brother has a high level of cultivation."

Yan Huan rolled his eyes.

"How tall? Taller than me?"

The snake demon blinked and nodded in a ignorant way, "It's taller than you, it should be taller than you."


This snake demon is a fool, the identification is complete.

Zhou Yu left in a small boat, and the snake demon followed closely behind, and then whispered, "My brother is very powerful, and he can break any barriers. Believe me, don't go, come near the lake. I can't swim past..."

In order to make the snake demon completely give up, Yan Huan turned his head and looked at him leisurely, "Okay, then tell me, who is your brother an expert in the demon world?"

The snake demon spoke weakly, "The demon he considered an expert?"


Yan Huan's eyes widened, staring at this stupid snake demon in disbelief.

"The demon king?! Is your brother the demon king?! Or the demon king! I'm talking about the current ruler of the demon world. Does your brother rule the demon world?"

The snake demon nodded again, "Anyway, the entire demon world belongs to my elder brother. My elder brother said that when my cultivation base is higher, I will also take care of it with him."

Yan Huan:! ! !

What is this called?
Pies in the sky!
Suddenly a younger brother of the demon king appeared!

and many more……

Yan Huan put away the surprise on his face, and asked seriously, "Are you and your brother biological?"

The snake demon was speechless, "My brother and I were born of the same father and mother."

That's good, then this relationship should be a sincere and deep brotherhood.

"By the way, what conditions did you just say?"

The snake demon's eyes lit up again, "I mean, take me to play in the mortal world for a while, and then I'll go back and beg my brother to break the barrier there for you."

"Didn't your brother not let you leave the demon world?"

The snake demon shook his head happily, "At that time, I will say that after I quarreled with him, I sneaked into the mortal world and encountered danger. You saved me and fulfilled my wish, and took me to play in the mortal world. Brother will definitely be grateful to you, and will definitely help you break out of the enchantment when the time comes!"

In this way, it is really a great thing that the pie in the sky is falling!
Yan Huan looked at Zhou Yu excitedly, Zhou Yu still had some doubts about this kind of monster.

"Okay, then it's settled. I believe you only when I'm a friend. If you use it up and I'll take you on a tour, you'll go back on your word. Believe it or not..."

The snake demon nodded, "I know, you want to make me into medicinal wine, right? Don't worry, although my cultivation is not as good as my brother's, I won't lie or deceive people."

(End of this chapter)

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