Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1444 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1444 Love Will Never Die (66)

The next day.

Feige, the guard of the capital city, sent a letter to Cen Yan, but Da Qiao stopped him again with his spiritual power.

The news of the capital city has never been successfully spread, and the generals defending the capital city are waiting for the lord's reply, but they have not been able to wait.

Anxious, dazed, and the situation so urgent, in desperation, the generals of the defending army had no choice but to privately order the defenders to evacuate the capital temporarily with the remaining citizens of the capital.

Everything went according to Da Qiao and Sun Ce's plan.

Da Qiao waited for all the people in the capital to evacuate, so she could go back to Wu County with peace of mind.

That night, almost everyone in the capital was evacuated, including the spies placed by Sun Ce, who also left the capital.

"I came here in a hurry yesterday, and today I went back with my sister."

Da Qiao tapped Yan Huan's forehead lightly, and teased her, "It's not good to go back, your Lord Gongjin is waiting for you to go back at home."

Yan Huan hugged Da Qiao's arm, and also teased her, "My sister's Master Bofu, isn't he also waiting for my sister to go back in Jujiu Courtyard?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yan Huan blinked, "That's right, my sister and Sun Ce are in love, isn't that a good thing is coming?"



There was a sudden muffled sound, and Da Qiao hurriedly pressed Yan Huan's hand to protect her behind her.

"what sound?"

Da Qiao frowned and shook his head slightly.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, "It looks like something fell in the yard outside."

She patted Da Qiao's arm, "Sister, stay still, I'll go out and have a look."

Da Qiao didn't hold Yan Huan's arm, she had already opened the door and went out.

Yan Huan used spiritual power to create a halo in the palm of his hand, illuminating the hazy darkness outside, and saw a familiar figure in the corner of the yard.


It turned out to be Ruihuan's original body?

Da Qiao, who came out after her, saw Rui Huan lying on the ground, and was also stunned in shock.

Rui Huan lay motionless on the ground, his body was covered in cuts and bruises, and there was a deep wound on the half of the fish's tail, bloody and horrific, he was dying, as if he was going to die at any moment.

How did Ruihuan become like this? !

Who did he fight with just now?

But Ruihuan's cultivation base is so high, among the mortal spirits, who else can seriously injure Ruihuan like this?

"Ruihuan? Ruihuan?"

Yan Huan yelled several times and he didn't reply.

His face was pale and weak, and he belonged to the red carp family. She could sense that Ruihuan's spiritual power was weak and his body was also very weak. If he didn't treat him, he might die.

Although they were enemies, and Ruihuan had threatened Xiao Qiao at the Wu King's Palace before, but... After all, they belonged to the same clan, and they were playmates who practiced together since childhood.

Yan Huan could see that Da Qiao wanted to save him, and she was not the kind of cold-blooded person who could watch him die with a heart of stone.

"Use spiritual power to carry him back first."

Da Qiao nodded, and the two used their spiritual power to lift Rui Huan into the side room and put him on the soft couch. His fish tail lost its vitality, and under the light of the candle, the fish scales glowed dully.

"His injury is serious, first use spiritual power to hang him, wait for him to wake up, and then ask him what happened."

Yan Huan was very worried.

To be able to seriously injure Ruihuan into such a fairy, his cultivation must be extremely high.

No, it doesn't have to be spirits, ghosts and ghosts, it's all possible.

Could it be that the black turtle fish that was demoted from the heavens in the last he here again in this life? !

(End of this chapter)

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