Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1465 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1465 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (3)

Yan Huan:. . .

With a cold face, she showed him the empty medicine bowl, "Satisfied?"

Zhuang Zhou didn't point out that she poured the medicine secretly, and said lazily, "I have something to go down the mountain, please ask senior sister to take care of me on the mountain, if there is any situation, you can let Bawang come to me by following my scent."

Yan Huan really doesn't want to admit that other people's spirit beasts are called Brahma, Suizhi, and Yongling, which sounds tall and tall.

No matter how bad it is, Zhuang Zhou's spirit beast has a single name, Kun.

Low-key luxury has connotations.

It is much better than her spirit beast called Overlord.

Overlord, she remembered that duangduangduang shampoo.

Yan Huan frowned slightly, heartbroken.

She must change the name of her spirit beast.

"Are you going down the mountain? What are you going down the mountain for? Where are you going?"

As a senior sister and a domineering senior sister, it was normal to ask him these questions.

Zhuang Zhou didn't say much, "If there is something urgent, I will go down the mountain, and I will be back within a month at most."

Don't want to say forget it, Yan Huan nodded, "Okay."

The suzerain died, and the Profound Shadow Sect now has no leader. All the brothers and sisters agreed that the elder sister was the master of the Profound Shadow Sect, and they had to report to her when they went down the mountain.

It's normal for practitioners to go down the mountain to practice, but Zhuang Zhou went down the mountain alone, she was a little worried.

Raiders, focus on protecting objects.

Besides, he looks handsome and handsome, how many women like him?
Yan Huan nodded expressionlessly, and glanced behind him empty, he didn't bring Kun.

"Where's your spirit beast?"

Zhuang Zhou was helpless, "Kun hasn't woken up yet, it is much more comfortable than me, and it sleeps for most of the day."

Yan Huan put his hands behind his back and looked serious, "Bring me your spirit beast and show me. I have something to tell it. What kind of spirit beast does it look like when it sleeps all day? I think it looks more like its master, and you are like a spirit beast."

Zhuang Zhou's face was slightly stiff, and he nodded in agreement, "Okay..."

The sleeping Kun was woken up, flicked his tail in dissatisfaction, floated in the air and slowly flew towards Yan Huan's room, feeling dissatisfied, he still succumbed to Yan Huan's bad reputation, and lay obediently on the ground, All he had to do was wag his tail to please Yan Huan.

"I'll teach it a few words, you go outside and wait."

Yan Huan's tone was serious, and Zhuang Zhou thought that no matter what, she would not kill Kun somehow, so he went to wait at the door.

Kun's heart was trembling.

The mysterious girl Yan Luo, the female devil, and the tigress.

Yan Huan stroked Kun's head, feeling slightly cool, she smiled, "Are you awake?"

Kun trembled twice, then nodded.

Yan Huan has a gentle tone and soft eyes, but in Kun's eyes, he is inexplicably weird and cautious.

"Just wake up. There is only one thing to tell you. Your master has gone down the mountain. If you meet women who strike up a conversation, no matter why you strike up a conversation, you have to drive them away. Do you understand?"

Kun stared at her blankly, Yan Huan patted it on the head, "Didn't you understand?"

Kun shook his head first, then nodded again.

Yan Huan put it simply, "What I mean is, don't allow your master to get involved with any woman after he goes down the mountain, and don't tell your master what I told you."


Kun didn't respond, and remained silent.

She smiled kindly and gently again, "Do you know what fish do?"

Kun fanned the two large fins on his side, almost crying.

"Braised, steamed, sweet and sour, stir-fried, of course, I also like grilled fish, boiled fish, fish with pickled cabbage, fish head with chopped pepper is also good..."

 good night~
  Recommend a book~
  [Quick travel abuse: Black lotus upgrade manual]

  【Author: Chen Buer】

  [The female strong slaps the face in a cool article, slightly sultry, the male and female protagonists are physically and mentally clean]


(End of this chapter)

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