Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1473 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1473 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (11)

The dagger was unsheathed, and there was a slight squeak, all the disciples of the Kongyuan Sect present were covered with hairs standing on end, and their scalps were numb.

Overlord circled around Yan Huan's ankle, sticking out his tongue contemptuously, "Lululu..."

I don't want to eat that man's tongue, it's disgusting!

Yan Huan rubbed his toes against its belly, casually playing with the unsheathed dagger in his hand, Sen Han's blade was bloodthirsty and dangerous.

"Why are you so unreasonable?! You insulted my Kongyuan faction first, and it's fine if you refuse to apologize, but now you want to attack the disciples of Kongyuan faction?!"

The leader bravely said sharply, "Do you know what sect my Kongyuan faction is?! How dare you make an enemy of my Kongyuan faction?!"

Yan Huan laughed softly, with a charming voice, and everyone who heard it felt numb.

"I'm unreasonable, I insulted you? Do I refuse to apologize? Did you see me insulting the Kongyuan faction with your own eyes? Did you hear me insulting the Kongyuan faction with your own ears?"

The leading man choked.

Yan Huan lifted her chin contemptuously, her eyes were contemptuous and contemptuous, revealing a bit of savagery, she spoke, her charming tone suddenly turned cold, and murderous aura burst out, "Get out of here if you don't want to die! I only want to talk to him Settle accounts!"

The big man who was named trembled almost invisible. In terms of stature, he was several times bigger and stronger than this woman, but facing this woman who was thinner and shorter than him, his heart trembled with fear.

Before the others could react, the woman floated to the side of the big man like a ghost, violently squeezed his mouth open, and the knife flashed!
It happened almost instantly, and no one caught when the woman came over and when she moved her hand, only heard the big man grunt miserably, fell to the ground with a bang, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the blood was mutilated. strips of unknown objects.

The people around jumped their feet in fright and screamed in horror. The big man's face was ashen, he spat out blood, and whimpered indistinctly.

After Yan Huan cut the big man's tongue, he took out his silk handkerchief and wiped the blood on the dagger as if nothing had happened, his eyes were tender.

" unreasonable demon girl!"

The disciples of the Kongyuan faction panicked and were at a loss, but the leader remained calm and drew out his sword, although his face was pale with fright, he still pointed the sword at Yan Huan.

"Everyone come with me!"

The others pulled out their swords one after another, Yan Huan raised his eyebrows indifferently, not paying attention to these new disciples at all.

Although she has not recovered from her internal injuries, it is not a problem to deal with this kind of low-level beginner.

She raised her lips and smiled, "Hurry up and do it together, don't waste my girl's time."

Overlord was also gearing up for a big fight, Yan Huan rubbed his head, "Good boy, just go over there and wait for me."

She didn't pull out her saber, she just clinging to a dagger as she shuttled among the group of Kongyuan sect disciples, she couldn't even see her figure clearly, they just watched the woman blowing past like a gust of wind, and her faint female breath swayed by , They just feel cold.


They leaned down, but fortunately she didn't cut their lifeblood!

Then it's cold...

Everyone touched their bodies, naked, and directly touched their own skin!

Yan Huan pursed her lips and laughed.

This group of men who just started were all cut off by her pants, and now they are standing on the street full of spectators with their legs exposed.

 I really like the domineering Huanhuan in this plane~
  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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