Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1475 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1475 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (13)

This voice, Zhuang Zhou? !
Isn't it, what a coincidence, I met so many disciples of the Kongyuan Sect here, I also met the guardian of the Kongyuan Sect, and now, I also met Zhuang Zhou?

Zhuang Zhou was not injured in the last siege, and his cultivation was also revealed during the last siege. I don't know if he showed his full strength, but the cultivation ability he showed alone is better than Yan Huan Much higher.

With ready-made thighs, it is natural to pounce on them and hug them to death!

Yan Huan immediately turned around, and there was indeed Zhuang Zhou standing behind him. Kun beside him shivered a bit when he saw Yan Huan, with pitiful eyes.

There was a smile on Zhuang Zhou's lips, his expression was gentle and handsome, but his eyes were so cold that no one dared to look at him.

Boss, just has the aura of a big boss.

Yan Huan could only hold the big brother's thigh, pretending to be a tiger.

She stood behind Zhuang Zhou, and gave Kongyuan faction protectors a particularly frightening look.

The Dharma Protector Qi's face turned livid, the veins on the back of his hand clutching the saber hilt bulged, his eyes were filled with hatred, and he gritted his teeth.

But Zhuang Zhou's strength is obvious to all those who participated in the siege last time.

In fact, the guardian himself is not sure whether he can beat this young solo practitioner.

The source didn't come to town this time to cause trouble, but let it go, there will always be a chance to deal with that witch in the future!
The guardian reluctantly withdrew his sword, glared at Yan Huan angrily, shook his sleeves and left, not forgetting to despise them.

"Rawcups of the same feather! The Xuanying Sect doesn't have a single good thing!"

The disciples of Xuanying Sect who were about to rush up to fight Yan Huan just now saw that their guardians had left, no matter how resentful they were, they had no choice but to leave and let it go first.

As the group of people walked away, the bright red robes were extraordinarily golden and luxurious by the sun, and they were very... coquettish.

Yan Huan crossed his arms, walked out from behind Zhuang Zhou, and sneered contemptuously.

"Everyone is dressed like a bridegroom. The young ones are better, and the old ones are really not ashamed to wear them."

After the person left, she started to get flustered again.

Zhuang Zhou looked down at her, his eyes lingering on her face for a moment, then he raised his hand, as if he wanted to caress her face.

Yan Huan instinctively shrank back a little, staring at him warily.

doing what?
Want to beat her to teach her a lesson?
His fingertips rubbed against the corners of her eyes, as gently as a feather brushed by.

The skin he touched was hot, and it burned directly to the cheek, which was red and hot.

"what are you doing?"

Zhuang Zhou smiled with curved lips, his eyes were full of gentle smiles, and his voice was soft, "There is a little blood on the corner of your eyes."

It must have been accidentally splashed when he cut the big man's tongue just now.

Zhuang Zhou just wiped the blood from the corner of her eyes with his fingertips? !
It seems that this behavior seems a bit... ambiguous?
He patted Kun on the head, and Kun turned into a palm-sized fish and landed on his palm. Overlord couldn't help but started barking at Kun again.

What resentment what?
People are just a fish!

Yan Huan kicked Bawang lightly, and gave it a warning look. Bawang was still grinning just now, lying at Yan Huan's feet aggrieved, whimpering a few times.

Anyway, Yudu had already met, and she came down the mountain to find him on purpose, Yan Huan followed Zhuang Zhou and walked side by side, clearing her throat.

"I'm going down the mountain this time because I have something important to discuss with you."

(End of this chapter)

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