Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1509 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1509 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (47)

Source to town.

With Zhuang Zhou on his back, Kun headed all the way to the source, and finally landed in an unremarkable dilapidated courtyard.

Yan Huan also got off its back, carefully supported Zhuang Zhou, looked around, saw that the thatched house had been exposed to wind and sun, more than half of it had collapsed, and the yard was piled up with dry grass, desolate and desolate, no one had been here for a long time.

Such a dilapidated place is the source of rumors that can cleanse all evil spirits?

The people who attracted the Kongyuan faction searched for several days but couldn't find it?

That's right, Yan Huan also thought that it should be in some kind of jungle, away from the seclusion of the world, clean, and the source should also be a clear and pure spring water, looking at it...

It's very compelling, not like it is now.

Yan Huan sighed deeply, and looked back at Kun, "The source you mentioned is definitely here? But there are no springs around here, and this is a town, so there won't be any springs passing by, right?"

Kun nodded, with a firm tone, "This is the place. If Quan Ling is willing to see you, the situation here will change."

will change?

Yan Huan pursed her lips, "How do you call Quan Ling out?"

"Last time, the master declared his intention of coming, and also said the terms of the exchange. If the spring spirit agrees, he will show up."

She nodded, and didn't know which direction to shout, so she walked in the dilapidated yard while talking.

"Lord Quanling? I am a disciple of the Xuanying Sect. I came here this time to ask Master Quanling to show up and help my husband eliminate the evil energy in my body, and whether it is the aura of righteous cultivation in my body, no matter what Master Quanling wants, I will I will definitely exchange with Lord Quanling, I only hope that Lord Quanling can save my husband's life!"

It was quiet all around.

The wind blew, rolled up the dead branches and fallen leaves on the ground, and made a whirring noise on the ground.

Yan Huan turned to look at Kun, Kun said silently, "Wait a minute, if there is no response, then Master Quan Ling is unwilling."

"Master Quan Ling? I am willing to exchange anything, as long as it can save my husband's life!"

Still very quiet.

Yan Huan looked at Zhuang Zhou's face, the blackness between his eyebrows became more and more intense, his breathing was weak, and Yan Huan's heart was also tightly held together.

"Master Quan Ling? Master Quan Ling?"

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground were swept up into the sky, circled several times in mid-air, and then slowly fell down in a whirl.

From nowhere came an ethereal female voice, seemingly puzzled, "Husband?"

Finally got a response, Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat, his face was pleasantly surprised, "Yes, he is my husband! Master Quan Ling! Please cleanse and eliminate the evil spirit in his body, I am willing to give everything I have in exchange!"

The woman smiled lightly.

"It's really interesting. This man came to me not long ago. I looked at him. He looked good, but he had nothing to do with me, and he didn't have anything I wanted, so I only taught him how to divert evil spirits."


The woman was a little puzzled.

"Could it be that he transferred the evil energy to himself?"

Yan Huan took Zhuang Zhou's hand, feeling a pain in his heart.


The woman's voice was slow, half helpless, "Now, it's you who come to exchange with me again, just to save him?"


Yan Huan said firmly, "As long as I can save him, I'm willing to give anything in exchange!"

The wind calmed down, the surroundings were quiet, and the ethereal voice of the woman sounded again.

"Then let me see what I want in you."

(End of this chapter)

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