Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1514 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1514 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (52)

The wind can't blow away the dead silence, the bleak autumn night, the biting cold seems to be in the cold winter, and it will engulf Zhuang Zhou.

There were hysterical howls, and there was no other echo except for the impatient barking of someone in the distance.

Quan Ling will not show up.

The rivers and lakes have their rules, and the spirit world also has its rules.

Quan Ling will not interview the same person twice.

Zhuang Zhou knew that Mo Nian hadn't come out of the phantom, most likely he had died.

Quan Ling would not be so kind to let him cleanse and eliminate the evil energy in his body in the source.

He just asked Quan Ling to tell him how to divert the evil energy, and he already exchanged most of the right path cultivation breath in his body, but Mo Nian saved his life...

It must be exchanged for the most precious thing.


One life for another, so fair, yet so unfair.

Zhuang Zhou frowned in pain. He never shed tears in his life, but when he did, his heart ached.

His eyes were scarlet, bloodshot with pain, cold and desperate.

He is still begging Quan Ling to show up.

He still held a trace of luck in his heart, thinking that she would not just die like this.

How can she die?

He paid so much just to hope that Mo Nian could live a simple and happy life.

It was an unacceptable cruel fact, and it seemed that someone had to tell him personally before he could believe it.

"Master Quan Ling, please show up, please tell the woman who entered the illusion with me, what is going on now, please..."

His tears fell to the ground with endless grief, and the wind suddenly stopped.

Everything seems to be in the stagnant darkness, ethereal like a voice floating from afar, indifferent and emotionless, it resounds faintly.

"She's dead."

This sound!
Zhuang Zhou's heart ached when he hit it!
It is impossible for Zhuang Zhou to forget this voice in his life!

Rao was indifferent and plain, but her voice was naturally charming and enchanting, no one could imitate her.

His voice was trembling, unbelievable, like a dream, "May I ask you are... Master Quan Ling?"

The woman's indifferent voice sounded again, "Yes."

Her voice was obviously Mo Nian's voice!

Why did she say she was Quan Ling?
The last time he came here to look for the source, the spring spirit guarding the source was clearly a fourteen or fifteen-year-old immature girl with a different voice.

How could it suddenly become Mo Nian?
In other words, Mo Nian didn't die, but...became the spring spirit guarding the source?

If she becomes Quan Ling, what about the little girl from before?

She should be able to recognize her own voice, but she behaved so indifferently and strangely. Could it be that she has no memory at all, and is now just a spring spirit that guards the source, has no emotion, and is as empty as a puppet?

"Master Quanling?"

No more responses.

The wind blew again, making his robe flutter, and his dead heart suddenly had a bit of vitality beating again.

There have been many rumors about the source of water in the rivers and lakes.

Will the spring spirit guarding the source change because of the new dead soul?

Zhuang Zhou stood still, feeling the heart in his chest beating again and again.

The great grief in his heart was mixed with new expectations. He was not afraid of suffering, as long as he could grow old with Mo Nian in the end, all the suffering he experienced would be worth it.

He seemed to have caught a life-saving straw in the ocean of pain, struggled to float to the surface, and came alive again panting.

He patted Kun on the head, his voice excited, "Kun, let's go to Yuntai Zangshu Pavilion!"

(End of this chapter)

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