Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1516 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1516 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (54)

"Didn't you say that the source is here? Here...what the hell is this place?"

"Whatever, a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. Anyway, everyone has been searching for so long and can't find the source. Why don't you come here and try your luck!"

"Hey, is the news I found reliable? Look at the yard that has been abandoned for an untold amount of time. I always feel the chill behind me..."

Several disciples of the Kongyuan Sect shrank their necks and gathered around each other, holding up torches nervously and looking around.

The suzerain who was lying on the ground and suppressed by acupuncture points, his face was full of black air. At this moment, in this quiet night, against the light of the red torch, he was even more eerie and frightening, as if he would suddenly go crazy and kill them all. killed!
A few people shrank back in the middle again, looking around in the small yard. After a while, a man in a bright red robe walked into the yard with a sullen expression, and asked in a dull tone, "Do you have any questions here?" Discover?"

Several young disciples shook their heads, "Great Protector, let alone the source, there is not even a drop of water here, are you sure...that person said, the source is here?"

The Great Protector glared at them, "Don't say any more! Be careful not to disturb the Spring Spirit who guards the source!"

The group of people kept silent, the big protector held a torch and shone around the yard, remembering the instructions of the man in black, he cleared his throat and said, "Master Quanling! I am the big protector of the Kongyuan sect. I came here this time to Cleanse and eliminate the evil energy in the suzerain of this sect, and hope that Master Quan Ling can show his face!"

In this desolate and dilapidated small courtyard, the Great Guardian asked the air so solemnly, it was inexplicable and made people want to laugh.

"Master Quanling, can you show up?"

"I'm here sincerely, and I hope Master Quanling can help me send the suzerain to cleanse and eliminate the evil spirits in my body!"

"Master Quanling?"

The great protector asked again and again in the courtyard, and the disciples behind him were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe. They looked around in fear, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

After a while, I finally got a reply.

The woman's ethereal and alluring voice seemed to come from a distant place, without any emotional indifference.

"You sent the Suzerain to seek the source for you?"

The sudden woman's voice frightened everyone present, their hairs stood on end, their scalps went numb, and the big protector replied boldly, "Yes."

The woman's voice came again, "Then let me see what I want on you."

Want something?
The Great Protector took out gold ingots and jades from his pocket, "I brought a lot of things here, if Lord Quanling thinks it's not enough, I can ask someone to go back to the Kongyuan Sect to fetch them for you!"

The woman sneered.

"How can mortal things be worthy of my eyes?"

The Great Protector is entangled, don't want mortal things, then she can't look down on these gold, silver and jewelry.

"I don't know what Master Quanling wants? I will definitely find it for you!"

The woman was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking about what she wanted.

She said indifferently again, "In your body, apart from the aura of righteous cultivation, there is nothing else I want."


Some disciples cried out in surprise.

For a cultivator, the aura of cultivation is the most important thing in this body. If it is taken away, what is the difference from a disabled person?
Will the Great Protector agree to such an unreasonable exchange?

To everyone's surprise, the Great Protector agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay! I'm willing to exchange my orthodoxy with Master Quan Ling!"

(End of this chapter)

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