Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1520 Turning back to the country, step by step toward you 【Ying Zheng】

Chapter 1520 Turning back to the country, step by step toward you 【Ying Zheng】

The first year of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Qin unified the six kingdoms, and the world was initially determined. The young but powerful king had just finished his enthronement ceremony. The dark black gold satin embroidered with domineering dragon patterns on the emperor's robes made the young king even more domineering. The air is awe-inspiring.

At this time, the emperor and his courtiers knelt in the newly built Taimiao, burning incense and mourning for the generals who gave their lives in the battle to unify the six kingdoms.

The emperor knelt at the front, lowered his head, his face was indifferent, his brows were lightly twisted together, from the face, he was about to be weak, although he was not as glorious as a king, but he was born with a chill and domineering , so that people dare not underestimate him.

In the final battle, the young emperor personally led [-] soldiers and horses against the enemy's [-] elite cavalry. It only took half a day to beat those [-] elite cavalry into the enemy's capital.

Since then, the courtiers who were dissatisfied with the young monarch no longer dared to raise any objections, and no one dared to say that he only talked on paper, had no plans and great ambitions, but was a white-faced man with no power to restrain the chicken scholar.

Wen Tao, Wu Lue, gathered in one body, the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, the proud son of heaven, is well-deserved.

He was born to be a king.

It seems that God deliberately created this amazing talent who is rare to see in a century and a thousand years, and he was born to unify the troubled times and calm the country.

The courtiers behind the emperor in the Taimiao secretly looked up at him. This seemingly immature shoulders and back will carry the great Qin Dynasty from now on.

After the incense burning, the group rushed to the Xian Temple next to the Taimiao.

Now that the country has been pacified, at the beginning of enthronement, it is necessary to go to the immortal temple to pray for the blessing of the immortal, so that the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe, and the weather will be smooth.

Eighteen statues of Xuannv are enshrined in the fairy temple. The people of Daqin only believe in Xuannv, so there are only statues of Xuannv in the temples dedicated to incense.

The Xuannv statues in the emperor's house are naturally different from those in the mortal world. They are all made of high-quality large pieces of jade with the height of several people, and are carefully carved by the most skillful craftsmen. They are lifelike and beautiful. People look at it with admiration.

Still the emperor was at the front burning incense and praying, while the courtiers bowed and lowered their heads at the back, echoing tremblingly.

The celestial temple is burning with hydrating incense, the cold as ice smell, which is set against the celestial appearance of the Xuannv, sacred and not profane.

After Yingzheng finished praying, he took the incense branch from the envoy at the side, and was about to insert it into the gilt lotus incense burner when he heard a slight "click".

It seems that something is loose.

He frowned, his eyes shrunk vigilantly. In the past 20 years, he had experienced no less than a hundred assassinations and assassinations, and he had already habitually thought in his heart that there would be a new assassination next.

A gust of strong wind passed by, and the figure flickered. Ying Zheng drew out the soft sword hidden in his waist, and was about to stab the unknown figure, when he suddenly heard the woman moaning in pain.


He was holding the sword in his hand, but unexpectedly he didn't stab it out!



"Stand back! Protect Your Majesty!"

The courtiers retreated chaotically holding their official hats, and the swarming guards rushed in with their knives drawn, surrounded Ying Zheng, and looked around vigilantly.

There are no assassins in the temple, but...

On the ground directly in front of him, a woman appeared at some unknown time. She was lying on the ground, still moving.

After a long while, the woman took a deep breath and said a weak word, "It hurts..."

(End of this chapter)

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