Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1523 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1523 Back to the country, step by step towards you (4)

Yan Huan: I want to go home.

She couldn't get used to the inexplicable kindness of the Raider character to her, which made her panic all over.

The walls of Qinwang Palace are majestic, like giant beasts crouching and resting here. The morning light shines on the roof of the black-tiled palace, and the light-plated golden sunlight reveals a majesty that dare not look directly at it.

The dragon chariot stopped at the entrance of the main palace, and the accompanying eunuchs knelt on the ground and waited for the emperor to step on his back to get off the dragon chariot.

"Get out of the way, hug her down alone."

The eunuch got up and left obediently. He just hugged Yan Huan in full view of everyone, followed by dozens of eunuchs and court ladies. Yan Huan trembled inwardly.

"System! Don't pretend to be dead when you come out to work!"

[Does the player get information about this plane? 】

The system is finally out.

"Is the system stuck? Haven't come out for so long?"

The system remained silent and just entered information into her brain, without answering her question.

Qin State, oh no, now to be precise, it should be the Qin Dynasty.

Yingzheng unified the six countries, annexed all the big and small countries on this continent, and ended hundreds of years of disputes and wars. It seems to be somewhat similar to history, but the system clearly pointed out that this is an overhead plane.

Ying Zheng is a man who doesn't show his emotions or anger. He is harsh in politics and indifferent to others. The blood that flows on his body seems to be cold.

Yan Huan's identity in this plane turned out to be that Xuannv descended to earth.

Raiding Yingzheng is not only the task of this plane, but also the task of the original owner of her body.

Although the original owner is a fairy, he can only become a real fairy after the mortal world has survived the calamity.

Before that, she had no magic power in the mortal world, just like mortals.

Who knew that what was assigned to her was actually a peach blossom robbery?
But judging from Ying Zheng's current behavior towards her, he seems to like her quite a lot.

The cold-blooded emperor could bend his proud back and lower his proud head one day, just to show her the ankle injury, and to some extent he also had a sincere liking for her.

The system just returned Ying Zheng's fate.

The lone star of the evil spirit?

What the hell, it's unbelievable that there is such a fate, is this Ketiankedike everyone around him?

It is also because Ying Zheng's fate is not good, so his father and king did not like him since he was a child. His mother, the current Queen Mother Zhao, was not close to him in the past. Even now that Ying Zheng has become the emperor, the Queen Mother Zhao Still keep a distance from him.

So how can there be any person who is naturally cold-blooded and ruthless, most likely because he has received too little care since he was a child, and he himself does not know how to love others.

The lone star of the devil, can he restrain his wife and son?

I feel numb just thinking about it.

Before Ying Zheng stepped into the study, he said coldly to the eunuch next to him, "Call the imperial physician over."

He is cold-blooded and ruthless, and it is said that people with thin lips are ruthless. From this point of view, Ying Zheng is indeed a ruthless person.

"System, why does the raider seem to like me in this plane from the very beginning? Is it my illusion?"

The system was silent for a long time.

【Not an illusion】

"But I haven't captured him yet, how can he have a good impression of me?"

I'm afraid that in all future planes, the Raiders will have an initial affection for her. No, it's not just affection, but true love.

All planes will not only be brand new planes for players, but also brand new planes for the system.

[The system cannot answer this question]

Really, completely out of the control of the system.

(End of this chapter)

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