Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1525 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1525 Back to the country, step by step towards you (6)

Yan Huan nodded.

She has nowhere to go if she doesn't stay in the Qin Palace. Anyway, she was going to attack Yingzheng, although the current situation makes her feel strangely uncomfortable.

The characters in the strategy are not right, and the system is not right. I seem to like her from the beginning, so the strategy is much simpler.

Perhaps it was her nodding that made Ying Zheng extremely excited, his voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were so hot that she dared not look directly at him.

"Which palace do you like? I asked someone to clean it up for you to live in, or you can live in the Yuluan Hall next to the study, so I can come and see you."

She nodded, "It's all good."

She hasn't gotten used to the fact that she doesn't take the initiative to attack at all, but instead attacks her attacking characters.

it's wired.

Could it be that the system buried another hole for her?

"Aman, go and ask someone to clean up the Yuluan Palace. The palace servants in the palace will be arranged according to the queen's rules. If anyone who doesn't have eyes is neglecting, he won't want his head."

When he was talking to others, his tone returned to the cold and gloomy look like his appearance, but when he was with her, his whole body seemed to emit a soft light.

Love changes a person.

Although she has no spells, as a fairy, it is easy to see through a person's heart.

Although Ying Zheng is cold-blooded and ruthless, it is just his disguised shell, his heart is fragile and sensitive, and he really likes her, even to the point of being obsessed with madness.

In this way, it cannot be regarded as liking, but deep love.

She wondered why Yingzheng loved her so deeply. He said that when he was a child, he often went to the fairy temple to talk to her, so it was for a long time that Yingzheng defaulted to her company for him, which made him plant such a deep-rooted love. emotion?
The Yuluan Hall was packed, and because her foot injury was not healed, the palace people carried the sedan chair and waited at the door of the study. Ying Zheng picked her up again and put her into the sedan chair lightly, his eyes reflecting the morning sun , flowing thick and gentle.

The sedan chair was lifted up and walked in the direction of Yuluan Palace. According to the information given by the system, there was no woman around Yingzheng, and his harem was still empty. Yan Huan was probably the first woman to enter the harem.

He was well aware of his special palace. He heard that His Majesty directly carried the woman off the dragon carriage this morning, and carried her all the way to the imperial study room. She took great care of her. When she entered the palace, she took the queen's special sedan chair. The most famous is the Yuluan hall next to the imperial study.

I don't know which family's young lady has caught His Majesty's eyes.

Yuluan Hall was not even half an hour's walk from the imperial study, the sedan chair stopped at the gate of the palace, the palace people hurried over to support her, and the immature eunuch came over to put on her shoes and socks.

Yan Huan was not used to this kind of service, so he was about to take it and wear it by himself, but the little eunuch trembled as if frightened, his eyes begged with fear, "Let the slave serve the lady."

The look in her eyes was unbearable, she turned her eyes away, and lamented in her heart, this old feudal society.

The maid helped her get off the sedan chair, she lifted her injured foot and put it on the maid's arm, the maid said, "Ma'am, be careful."


Now that she and Ying Zheng have nothing, Madam called?
Yan Huan was embarrassed, "I'm not some wife..."

The palace lady smiled with a small dimple on her lips, "The women who enter the palace are all ladies in the palace. Although the lady does not have a title now, but with His Majesty's care for the lady, this title will be raised soon."

"Is he caring about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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