Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1527 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1527 Back to the country, step by step towards you (8)

"There are so many precious people who hide and hide, and the Ai family can't see it?!"

Yan Huan could hear her high-pitched and shrill voice in the inner room.

Since ancient times, a woman who has been able to climb to the position of queen mother must have some means to win the top spot in the intrigue in the harem, and become the queen mother who has surpassed everyone.

This Queen Mother Zhao, from the tone of her voice, knew that it was not a good thing to talk about.

If I don't see her this time, I will definitely find fault with her in the future.

Aman still bowed and said with a smile, "Return to the words of the Empress Dowager, this is His Majesty's meaning."

Empress Dowager Zhao was at a loss for words, her chest heaved and fell rapidly twice, she could not say anything, and angrily shook her sleeves and left.

She arranged for Yingzheng several young ladies from the Zhao family. The Zhao family is her natal family. She knew that her relationship with Yingzheng was not an ordinary mother and child, so she wanted to place loyal women by Yingzheng's side. The family can continue to prosper after her hundred years.

It's just that she brought it up at the time that Ying Zheng prevaricated on the grounds that the world was initially settled, there were many affairs, and he didn't care about personal affairs.

The son has grown up and is an emperor, and besides, he has not been close to her since he was a child. It is still a question whether the young lady of the Zhao family can be inserted in, but today Ying Zheng suddenly brought back an unknown woman?
"Do you know which family's lady is there?"

Empress Dowager Zhao's confidant, Guan Nai, shook her head, "No one in the palace knew about it, but the palace people who came back with them all said they didn't know, and it must be His Majesty's order not to reveal it."

"What about the first name? What about the last name?"

Nurse Guan still shook her head.

Apart from knowing that the Yuluan Palace is inhabited by a young woman who is loved and cared for by His Majesty, she doesn't know anything else.

The Empress Dowager Zhao gritted her teeth, "It's weird, whose young lady was secretly stuffed into the palace? Why didn't she even reveal her name? Could it be that she got out of the ground and fell from the sky?!"


Yan Huan sneezed in the hall.

A Ling hurriedly went to cover the window, Zhong Chun was still a bit chilly, she called the maid serving outside the door to bring the thin blanket, Yan Huan rubbed her nose, "What did you just say?"

A Ling patted her forehead, "Going back to Madam, speaking of... His Majesty doesn't eat sweets."

Yan Huan was puzzled, "Why?"

"It is said that when His Majesty was a prince, he was bullied by other princes. That time he forced to feed His Majesty more than 20 pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. Your Majesty..."

Yan Huan nodded, "Needless to say."

It was probably because I was forced to drink too much that time, and then I lost all my affection for sweets.

Speaking of now, it is basically what happened in the past, which cast a shadow on Ying Zheng, so it has become a taboo now.

A person will not be cold-blooded and ruthless for no reason, killing people without blinking an eye, even a devil, he also has the process of becoming a devil.

"Your Majesty, did he often go to the Immortal Temple?"

A Ling shook her head, then said with a smile, "My maidservant has never heard of Madam's words, Aman should know, Madam can ask Aman."

Yan Huanxiao laughed without saying a word, spring and summer are blooming, there are flower gardens in each palace, surrounded by bees and butterflies, and birds are frolicking, her heart is calm and indifferent, trying to forget the purpose of the strategy, just trying to like that man simply.

This is not a plane with tasks, she can take it as her life.

She turned her head and asked A Ling, "Where does Your Majesty usually use for lunch?"

"Returning to Madam, after entering the palace, His Majesty's lunch will be served in the imperial study."

 Tomorrow eighth~
  ah ah~
(End of this chapter)

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