Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1540 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1540 Back to the country, step by step towards you (21)

In fact, it was just Ying Zheng saying a few molesting words, but Aman led everyone out of the hall in a hurry, and by the way, he thought he was considerate and closed the door.

Yan Huan:. . .

It's noon, what else can they do that is shameful?

The face that had just faded from the blush was now a little hot again.

Yan Huan cast a resentful look, "Look at what you said, it scared all the palace people away."

Ying Zheng stood up and took her hand, "Of course they won't listen to the emperor's private words."

He led her into the inner room, Yan Huan kindly reminded her, "Aren't you going back to the study to approve the papers?"

Ying Zheng glanced back at her, and said with a smile, "Everyone is wishing that her husband would be with her all day, so why are you driving me away?"

She was stunned.

The word husband hit the soft spot in her heart.

When there are no outsiders around, they are like an ordinary couple.

Talking about homely things, living an ordinary life, busy with chores, and sleeping together in the arms at night.

Her tone softened a little, "I'm afraid of delaying your business, you have so many things to do, you don't need to take time to accompany me."

Ying Zheng took off his coat by himself, and his voice could not hide his tiredness, but he was very serious, "It's a business to accompany you, and it is even more a business to take a nap with you now."

Yan Huan stood in front of him without moving, Ying Zheng patted himself beside him, his eyes were soft, and his voice was soft and tender, like a love story before going to bed at night.

"Xuanwei, come here."

She couldn't help being tempted to move over slowly, and said embarrassingly, "I didn't wake up until almost noon, and now I can't sleep anymore."

He was lying on the mandarin duck pillow, his black hair was scattered on the bright red pillow towel, his tone was lazy, and the way he looked at her showed traces of dependence and love.

"With you lying beside me, I feel at ease and at peace, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep."

Yan Huan also took off his coat, and lay down next to him in his middle coat. Ying Zheng grabbed her waist and kissed her heart.

In the past, whenever he felt uncomfortable, he liked to go to Xianci.

Even if she was punished to kneel in the fairy temple all night, as long as Xuan Wei was with her, all the restless and sad emotions in her heart could be soothed by her smiling and gentle face.

Now that he can hold the real her, he doesn't seem to want to pretend to be invulnerable, hard and indifferent all the time. In front of her, he always wants to show his dependent and vulnerable side.

He is flesh and blood, and he is also a human being, an ordinary human being who will be sad and bleed.

To him, Xuanwei was a redemption.

"Come with me to the study in the afternoon."

Yan Huan rubbed against his chest, just now he said he wasn't sleepy, but when he closed his eyes, he felt a little sleepy, and spoke lazily, "Well, but you can't be distracted, the papers that should be approved still have to be approved."

"I don't want to critique papers, I just want to watch you."

"You are the emperor, you shoulder the country, you have your heavy responsibilities and responsibilities, how can you be so entangled by the love of your sons and daughters that you can't walk?"

Ying Zheng sighed suddenly.

"Do you know Shang Zhou and Daji?"

In this superficial era, did Shang Zhou and Daji also exist in previous history?

"Regardless of Shang Zhou's tyranny and torture, in fact, in terms of the love between Shang Zhou and Daji, there is nothing wrong with loving only one woman."

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

She opened her eyes and looked at Ying Zheng. He had already closed his eyes, brewing sleepiness, and his long eyelashes were quiet.

He actually approves of the love between Shang Zhou and Daji?
 good night
(End of this chapter)

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