Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1543 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1543 Back to the country, step by step towards you (24)

Ying Zheng did not go to Yu'an Hall for lunch, and he had already made it clear what he meant.

If he didn't want to accept it, he didn't want to accept it. Even if the Queen Mother Zhao had already brought several nieces into the palace, he just pretended not to know, didn't give them their titles, and didn't even see them.

The Empress Dowager Zhao was angry and annoyed, but the Yingzheng baby in the Yuluan Palace was like something. Mrs. Caiwei didn't need to greet her, and she didn't accept anyone's invitation because of her health.

Things have come to a dead end.

Madam Guan advises that His Majesty has been stubborn since he was a child, and the more he is forced to accept a concubine now, the more His Majesty is unwilling, so it is better to wait and wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival to take advantage of the banquet and bring it up at the banquet, His Majesty will not. Well refused.

The Empress Dowager Zhao did not dare to force Yingzheng like this anymore. He had just ascended the throne, and his temper after being proclaimed emperor had not yet been figured out. The gap between mother and child would have deepened. The vixen.


Yan Huan sneezed, and Ah Ling came over to cover the window for her, "The servant girl went to the dining room and asked for a bowl of ginger soup for Madam? The wind is still a bit strong at night, I'm afraid Madam will catch the cold."

She waved her hand, "Did Aman tell you when His Majesty will finish his work? I'm a little tired and want to sleep first."

A Ling glanced at the hourglass in the corner of her eyes, "I'm afraid His Majesty will come over in half an hour, and His Majesty has ordered Madam if she wants to rest earlier."

Yan Huan opened the beaded curtain to take a bath at the back, a few maids outside came in with clean underwear, she soaked in the pool, counting how many days it had been here.

It's been almost a month.

The calm and waveless days, without ups and downs, everything goes smoothly is too unusual, like the calm before the storm, there are always hidden things she doesn't know.

Something would pop up out of nowhere and catch her off guard, but now she didn't know what the system said was a major event for the Raiders.

A Ling who was outside the bead curtain of the hot spring came over and said, "Madam, Your Majesty has come."

"Okay, I'll get up right away."

Yan Huan didn't like being served close to her when she was taking a bath. She dried herself and put on her underwear when she came out. A Ling wrapped her in a cloak and reminded her in a low voice, "Your Majesty is acting weird tonight, Madam, please speak and act carefully. .”


She nodded, "I see."

In the inner room, Ying Zheng stood in front of her dressing table and didn't know what he was looking at. His figure was motionless, as if he had lost his mind.

Under the candlelight, she smiled softly, "I'm really sleepy, so I went to take a bath first, who would have thought that you came earlier."

Ying Zheng raised his hand and coughed awkwardly, without looking at her directly, "I'm a little sleepy too, let's go to bed together after taking a bath."

Aman led people to wait on her, Ying Zheng went to the back without even looking at her, A Ling looked at Yan Huan because she didn't understand, and left the inner room with her head down without saying a word.

It was really weird, as if there was something on his mind that he wanted to tell her, but he didn't say it.

Yan Huan was lying on the inner side of the bed and almost fell asleep in a daze, feeling the warm breath beside her, with an arm around her waist, she patted Ying Zheng's hand, "Go to sleep."

When she spoke, Ying Zheng thought she wasn't asleep, and had been hesitating since noon whether to speak or not. Until now, lying on the bed and hugging her, he didn't know how to speak.

Ying Zheng tentatively called her, "Xuanwei..."

Yan Huanying was in a daze, "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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