Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1547 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1547 Back to the country, step by step towards you (28)

Yan Huan felt that since the consummation of the marriage last time, Ying Zheng's face and morals have completely disappeared.

It seems that I have been suppressed for too long since I was a child, and now I have the opportunity to indulge, and I have completely exposed my nature.

However, some officials of the imperial court made a concert, saying that there was only one concubine and concubine Chen in the harem of His Majesty, which was too cold to do anything for the royal family, and they only played to ask His Majesty to enrich the harem.

Ying Zheng only replied to one person's memorial, and briefly approved a sentence, "Lonely family matters, no need for outsiders to point fingers."

Yingzheng has always had a bad reputation, cold-blooded and violent, with a volatile personality. After criticizing such a sentence and going back, the ministers were frightened so that they did not dare to play again.

At noon, Yingzheng came to Yuluan Hall for dinner as usual. Aman led a dozen or so young eunuchs, carrying tables, chairs, pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and a large pile of memorials, and entered the Yuluan Hall in a mighty manner.

"You are..."

Ying Zheng raised his hand and clicked on a few places, "Just put them in these places."

He turned his head and smiled softly, leaning over to cover Yan Huan with the thin blanket, "Didn't you say that you are alone in Yuluan Hall and have nothing to do? From now on, I will approve papers in Yuluan Hall."

Yan Huan got up from the soft couch, frowned, "What's wrong with the imperial study, you're running over eagerly, the palace is going to gossip again."

Originally, because Yingzheng doted on her alone, there was a lot of gossip in the palace. In addition, the Queen Mother Zhao didn't like her, and there were still a few cousins ​​of Yingzheng living in Yu'an Hall. inside.

"I can still accompany you in this batch of notebooks. You are always boring by yourself."

He tilted his head and bent his lips to smile, the tender heart in his eyes softened, he couldn't open his mouth to refuse.

Yan Huan was about to get up from the soft couch to stop him from messing around like this, but after seeing his gentle and doting eyes, he obediently lay back down.

He is willing to be the foolish king in others' mouths, and she will accompany him to be the demon concubine in others' mouths.

What kind of jealousy, dissatisfaction and resentment, mouth and eyes grow on other people's faces, and she can't control what others say or look at.

After lunch, Ying Zheng took her to take a lunch break. Since he had to discuss border defense matters with ministers in the afternoon, he originally wanted to take a nap, but he expected to sleep on the bed with her, which was out of order.

The curtain was drawn down, and the woman inside fell asleep exhaustedly. Aman changed Ying Zheng's clothes, looked at the deep scratches on his shoulders, and looked away in embarrassment.

"Have you moved all the things in the imperial study?"

Aman nodded, "Returning to His Majesty, all of them have been moved here."

Ying Zheng pursed his lips, "What does the palace say about this matter?"

Aman lowered his head and faltered, "The palace people don't dare to make rash comments, but the empress dowager doesn't seem to agree..."

Yingzheng frowned and said nothing, Aman bit the bullet and said, "The empress dowager once reprimanded the concubine Chen for being flattering to the master, saying that since the previous dynasty, the king was lucky not to enter the same palace for three nights, even the queen's bedroom, and the queen's bedchamber is also the queen's palace. You must not stay at night for more than seven days, and the imperial concubine Chen has dominated your majesty for almost two months, and the empress dowager is not very happy about this..."

It's more than just being unhappy, if it wasn't for His Majesty's protection, Concubine Chen would have suffered a lot.

Ying Zheng laughed, his eyes turned up, they were as cold as blades, and the intimidating man's heart trembled.

He said coldly, "Since the rules are like this, then follow the rules."

Aman was taken aback.

Your Majesty would never wrong Concubine Chen for the sake of rules, why suddenly obeyed the rules?
 I asked for leave a few times last month because of frozen shoulder, and then I have been holding on to stabilize the amount of updates last month. This month, I will be lazy and keep my body healthy.
  No abandonment, no eunuch, don't panic, hold on

  It will resume normal update next month
(End of this chapter)

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