Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1585 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1585 Back to the country, step by step towards you (66)

Old Zhangtou said that a few days ago, checkpoints were also set up on the official transportation waterway out of the capital, and they withdrew after checking for a period of time without any results.

The waterway is slow, and people who don't stay on the boat for a long time can't stand the turbulence for a long time. Who knows that Yan Huan chose this most difficult road.

Before dawn, Yan Huan was already so sick that he couldn't get up. The small fishing boat was no match for the picturesque boats used by dignitaries and dignitaries. Whenever there was a wave on the river, it would sway from side to side. In the end, he had to retch the acid water in his stomach.

If she had known that taking a boat would be so uncomfortable, she might as well take the risk and go overland. If this continues, she might have to pay for her little life on the fishing boat before she reaches Lucheng.

There is no cure for seasickness. In the past two days, relying on some rice porridge to cheer her up, Yan Huan traveled all the way to Suian. As if to be dead.

When we arrived in Sui'an, it was just dawn, and the sky was only a few layers of fish-belly white. It was still early, but there were already many people coming and going at the ferry, selling baskets of lotus roots and lotus pods, and fresh river fish from the early morning piled up all over the floor, mixed with fishy smell. The smelly air made Yan Huan, who was already dizzy, feel sick even more.

The old man watched her get off the boat, "Young Master, I will take you here. The boatmen in Suian are all gathered there. Go over and ask, who is willing to take you to Weining?"

"Okay, thank you."

The lotus pods and lotus roots that were just picked in the morning were very fresh, thinking that he couldn't eat anything with such an appetite, Yan Huan bought two handfuls and held them in his arms, and went to the thatched shed to inquire.

Weining is not a lively place, there are very few people who go there, and they may not be able to bring people to the capital when they come back. Yan Huan paid for the round trip, and only the boatman was reluctant to take her.

There were very few boats on the river from the capital to Weining, she was dressed as a man, and because she hadn't bathed for a few days, her body smelled of sweat, so the boatman even kept a distance when he spoke, so it was safe.After traveling for several days in a row, and then going from Weining to Lucheng, I was so confused that I couldn't remember how many days passed, but when the boatman said that the ferry to Lucheng was ahead, Yan Huan felt as if he had passed away.

The boatman covered his straw hat and lowered his voice, "This is Lucheng. I don't know if you are recovering from illness. Lucheng has been in chaos recently. You should be more careful."

Yan Huan handed him the silver coins, "Thank you."

No matter how chaotic Lucheng is, it doesn't matter to her as an ordinary person. Those remnants who want to win the hearts of the people will naturally focus on the people, but with her current status, she doesn't know how to get close to Yingzheng.

It was only at this time that Yan Huan regretted it. At least she should have brought one of the pearl hairpins forced by her aunt. The things made in the palace were rewarded to her by Ying Zheng. Ask the guard at the door to pass them to him. He should be able to look out.

After getting on the ferry, his legs were weak, and he staggered on the road. He hadn't disembarked for a long time, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he walked. He rashly asked where the emperor lived, feeling like he was looking for death. The inn plans to rest first.

Staying on the boat was uncomfortable, her stomach ached a little, and she didn't know whether it was because of the long time on the boat, or the sequelae of the previous miscarriage. When she thought of that child, she remembered what happened on Lingxin Island that day, and her expression became even more gloomy.

There are several tables of people eating in the lobby of the inn, and all the rough men have quite loud voices.

"Don't underestimate him. The six countries can be unified. For him, this matter is probably as simple as moving his fingers."

(End of this chapter)

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