Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 159 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 159 Everything is Calculated (11)

Dizzy and dizzy after sleeping all night.

Yan Huan woke up the next day with two bruises under her eyes, clearly indicating that she didn't sleep well the night before.

She yawned and left the bedroom, slowly squeezing toothpaste in the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Zhuge Liang came down from the second floor, raised his arms while going down the stairs, lowered his head and buttoned his cuff buttons earnestly.

When she looked up, she saw Yan Huan brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

Her hair was messed up, her eyes were blue and black, her expression was dull, and she mechanically swung her arms to brush her teeth.

It's a bit like what that word describes, cute.

Yan Huan finished brushing his teeth and washing his face in a daze, and when he turned around, Zhuge Liang was already sitting at the dining table, his long legs slightly bent, and he was looking at her intently with his eyes raised.

In an instant, amazing!

Zhuge Liang, who is dressed in the system, perfectly shows the aloofness and unreachableness to the extreme.

The dark blue windbreaker system fits his thin waist, the silver shoulder armor sets off the short silver hair, and his eyes are like the Milky Way Star Sea, noble and stern, perfect like a god.

Yan Huan's thoughts drifted away.

She thought of the nude body that she saw that day.

The hot figure hidden under the system...

Yan Huan's face suddenly turned red, and he wiped his mouth hastily, but it's okay, he didn't drool. (ー_ー)
Zhuge Liang didn't find it strange to see her nagging.

A child's world...

It's true that adults like them don't understand.

He looked at Yan Huan at the bathroom door with a smile, and said gently, "What do you want for breakfast?"

The alarm in Yan Huan's head started to go off!
This big belly black asked himself what to eat?
How could he be so kind? !

Yan Huan glanced at him suspiciously, sat obediently across from him, and spoke sincerely.

"I will eat whatever Lord Zhuge eats."

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but hooked his lips into a smile.

This was bullied by him, and there are sequelae.

Yan Huan didn't know why he laughed.

It's just that when he smiled, Yan Huan instinctively felt that there was another conspiracy!
Her round eyes locked on his face, looking straight at him, full of vigilance.

Well, the little milk dog has become a little wolf dog.

Zhuge Liang snapped his fingers, and No. 001 transformed again into a robot.

"Vegetable pie for two, a cup of hot milk, and a cup of black coffee."

Even if it was just reporting the name of the dish, his deep and cool voice sounded like he was reciting aloud.

Hmm... If you use this voice to talk about love...

The power to tease girls is max...

Yan Huan couldn't help but blushed again, heartbroken and cursed himself for being worthless!

He has a big belly!Big tongue!
How could you be teased by him so easily!

System: The player seems to have forgotten that she should be the one who teases the Raiders...

Number 001 moved quickly. When the breakfast was served, the milk was steaming and the air was filled with the fragrance of milk. Zhuge Liang rolled up his sleeves and pushed the milk cup in front of her.

Yan Huan: (●_●)
Still maintaining a motionless posture, he didn't even think about picking up the milk cup to take a sip.

In case she was about to pick it up, Mou Liang said slowly, "Just, let you smell it."

Then she was going to vomit blood.

Holding a silver knife and fork, Zhuge Liang cut the vegetable cakes on the plate with downcast eyes, his long fingers were well-articulated, and his movements were elegant and neat.

He cut a plate and pushed it in front of Yan Huan.

Yan Huan: (●_●)
what's the situation? !

Sudden overtures?
This Zhuge Liang, don’t be a fake Zhuge Liang, right?
"Eat it, it will be cold in a while."

Yan Huan: No matter how you look at it, you look like a strange man with evil intentions...

Yan Huan picked up the fork and looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously again.

He picked up his coffee cup and touched Yan Huan's milk cup with a gentle smile.

"Good morning, my...little roommate."

 Good evening my... little fairies ( 3`)

  Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Liangchen for holding Chang'an for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Kiss, rub, rub, chirp~
(End of this chapter)

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