Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1590 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1590 Back to the country, step by step towards you (71)

The eyes of the person on the seat flickered slightly, "It's just a woman."

He turned sideways, with some impatience between his eyebrows and eyes, "Gu never remembers a woman's appearance."

Aman swallowed, sweat dripping from his forehead, he hurriedly said to Ying Zheng, "Vice Envoy Chen is still waiting outside."

Ying Zheng got up and went out, never gave Yan Huan another look from the beginning to the end, the footsteps gradually faded away, Yan Huan seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and leaned against the door frame in a daze, Aman looked at her several times worriedly , and looked at the master in front who had no intention of turning back.

"Please go to the backyard to rest first, Madam, and my subordinates will arrange someone to take care of Madam."

"No need."

Yan Huan supported the door frame and stood up straight, his eyes were red, which made his face look very bleak, Aman couldn't bear to look at it.

"Your Majesty... I can't understand a few words for the time being. Your Majesty is going to rest first. Your subordinate..."

Aman didn't know what to say, in fact, he didn't know about it himself.

How can you say that this person who loves to death is a stranger? How can he become a stranger?

In the end, I don't know if he was daydreaming, or... But looking at Concubine Chen, it wasn't him dreaming.

Yan Huan didn't know how she got to the backyard. She couldn't figure out whether Ying Zheng had really forgotten her, or just pretended not to recognize her.

Hearing what Aman said, it seems that Ying Zheng just forgot about her relationship, but even if it is amnesia, it doesn't make sense to forget her alone. What strange medicine can have such an effect?


No response.

Since the last time she broke free from the forced withdrawal, I don't know whether it was the system breaking away from the binding or punishment for her, but it has never appeared again. What is the reason for the change in the plane?
Is it because it should have ended at that time, but it didn't end, and everything behind it was changed?

If she doesn't exist in Ying Zheng's memory, why does Aman remember it?

The ins and outs are not clear, and the mess is a headache.

She still wanted to talk to Ying Zheng again, but with his current indifferent personality, it might be difficult to get close to him.

Waiting for Aman to come over, I heard a few charming laughter from the yard.

"This branch is just right, can my sister get it?"

"Be careful to sprain your feet, I don't think this stone bench is safe."

"It's okay, I'll do it myself."

"Come here one by one tonight, it's my sister's bedtime. It's better to pick the flowers yourself. Your Majesty will love my sister's heart when you know it."

Even the voices of Jiao Didi's women are soft and sweet, the air is getting colder in autumn, Yan Huan didn't pay attention when she came, the osmanthus trees planted in the yard are full of fragrance, she looks like a desolate person who is alone outside.

Are there any other women in the courtyard? Aman didn't even tell her.

She walked around the corridor, and saw several women surrounded by the stone table by the pond, one of them was stepping on the stone bench, trying to reach the flower branch.

Yan Huan felt a sudden pain in his heart.

She was also a girl who raised her hand to reach the flowers, fluttered the butterflies with a small fan, and acted like a baby to the people around her with a coquettish smile. In just a few short months, it was as if years of years had smoothed out her ignorance and innocence.

She habitually caressed her lower abdomen, touching it flat, and then realized that this rambunctious little one was long gone.

The smiling woman at the stone table turned her head and saw Yan Huan, and exclaimed, "Why is there such a faceless man here?!"

Yan Huan was taken aback.

Yes, she is indeed dressed as a man now.

"How can people come and go in and out of His Majesty's backyard at will? What about the guards at the gate?"

(End of this chapter)

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