Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1600 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1600 Why Are You Sticking To Me (5)

Losing connection with the system, Yan Huan had no knowledge of the world he was in. After returning home, he had a quick meal and locked himself in the bedroom, searching for useful information in it.

However, Yao Yao, the original owner, didn't leave any useful information for her. She went back and forth, and the star chasing surroundings and selfies were the most.

The only information is that none of the stars that Yao Yao is chasing are stars in her world, so...she was teleported to a certain plane again, and there is no mission.

The plane cannot be ended without a mission, and she will be trapped in this plane until she dies.

This bullshit system, a system with bugs was actually taken out to operate!
Yan Huan let out a long sigh and collapsed on the bed.

Now I can only take one step at a time, and there is no use in worrying about it. By the way, what is the homework for tomorrow?

Yan Huan took out her notebook, and there was a page full of homework assignments for each subject. It was only a month before the college entrance examination, and she couldn't even recite an ancient essay.

This is a life full of bugs!Can only start from scratch.

Yes, start from scratch, wash your hair and take a shower, and then use a pen for a month to create a miracle.

Yan Huan was taking off his clothes three times, five times and two times, the bedroom door was knocked twice, Yun Shen kindly brought her hot milk, but she had no appetite, so she yelled at the door, "I don't like milk!"

"Don't you drink hot milk every night before going to bed?"

Oh, she forgot, now she is living Yao Yao's life.

Yun Shen's tone was inexplicable, Yan Huan had no choice but to open the door, and then saw that he was wearing a small suspender and a small underwear.

Forget it, anyway, it's her own brother, she can't see it yet, she is going to take a bath and she doesn't bother to put sweat-stained clothes on her body.

Yan Huan opened the door carelessly, her brother had just finished washing, two pajama buttons were missing and unbuttoned, and the half-dry bangs drooping on his forehead still smelled of shampoo.

No matter how tempting a beautiful boy comes out of the bath, it doesn't matter to her, we don't have that kind of worldly desire.

Yan Huan only glanced at it, and took the milk cup from Yunshen's hand without changing his face and heartbeat, and after finishing his work, he handed the cup back.


The door was closed with a click, and Yun Shen froze outside.


Fighting for 30 days, I want to go to...

Yan Huan swiped down the list of all the universities, spinelessly swiping down the last college.

At the same table, Song Lingling clicked tut twice, and said disgustedly, "Yao Yao, can you give me some help? Even if we don't pass the exam, it's okay to brag about B now. Can anyone fill in the next twenty schools?"

Yan Huan looked at the list that was empty and only her was the only one in the second half, and shook his head and sighed, "To be honest, the school I chose can only be admitted under the premise of my extraordinary performance."

Song Lingling choked, "Your brother is the number one school!"

Yan Huan looked at the ranks of the top three colleges and universities in the country, and only her brother was the only one who filled it.

Yun Shen is still a top student, you can't be angry if you say that she has two eyes but can't learn from one with zero eyes.

"I have evidence to suspect that I picked it up, that is my fake brother!"

She threw the marker aside, looked at the blackboard behind her, and licked her lips.

To get rid of some formalism, if you have time to let them evaluate the college entrance examination school, it is better to use this time to endorse and do the questions.

She left the classroom bored, the head teacher had just finished talking with Yun Shen, Yun Shen nodded with an official smile on his face.

"Teacher, don't worry, Yao Yao will be tutored by me, and she will be in the top ten in the country."

Yan Huan's eyes widened, and he almost lost his breath.

"Hey! You are bragging, don't take me with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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