Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1616 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1616 Why Are You Sticking To Me (22)

Yun Shen took her hand, and walked slowly towards the classroom like a walk, "It's fine if you are by my side, for a few years or decades, or change another plane and start over again, as long as you and I are together , I can wait for anything."

The words were sensational, and Yan Huan was led by him as if in compromise, and he didn't struggle to resist anymore.

He is right, because the body does not reject and the consciousness gradually approaches, it will be a matter of time to fall in love with him.

Looking at it now, it's not that difficult to like it.

It's really magical, she's been through this short week.

The midsummer afternoon wind could not dissipate the heat, and among the leaves Mosuo, the light and shadow swayed on the faces of the two, carrying the unique beauty of youth.

It feels like acting in a movie, after all, this time the NPC hero is still so online in all aspects.

Just as Yan Huan was in a good mood, he was distracted by Yun Shen's next words.

"Last night, I roughly calculated the time you fell in love with me in each plane in the past. Well, according to your speed, it will be fine next month, and I can wait this month."

Yan Huan had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

If there is a Cowhide Candy Alliance, then Yun Shen must be the well-deserved leader.

He kept pestering her like this until June, and Yan Huan was so used to his stalking.

After taking a shower, Yan Huan returned to the bedroom, and saw Yun Shen lying down after washing.

He patted the side beside him, and said in the same tone as usual, "Come and sleep."

Yan Huan glanced at him, um, pajamas are never fully buttoned, and the top few should be kept, so as to reveal his looming chest.

As expected of you, you insisted on using beauty tricks all the time.

"I blow my hair."

"Come here, I'll blow it for you."

Yan Huan sat over and flipped through the book, Yun Shen couldn't help but ask when he heard the sound of pages turning, "Still reading after the exam."

The sound of the hair dryer was whirring, Yan Huan didn't hear what he said clearly, so he raised his head and asked, "What did you say?"

"Why do you still read the book after the exam?"

He amplified his voice a little, and Yan Huan said calmly, "I don't know much about this world, but I read a geography book and found that it is the same as my world in terms of map structure."

Yun Shen hummed, but didn't listen. The little girl didn't have much hair, but it was soft and hard to blow.

She looked up again and asked, "Have you ever thought about what the mission of this plane should be?"

Yun Shen said honestly, "No."

Yan Huan: ...

In the previous plane, she could see the screen, but she didn't know what the task the system gave her was. If the task was just to successfully conquer the NPC, then she and Yun Shen must have completed it now.

Maybe it's a hidden mission.

What is hidden?

"Don't think too much about it. I sent you here. The system settings you bind will only clear your memory by default, and may not necessarily assign tasks to you."

He said this lightly, of course he is not in a hurry, and he has no family or friends.

"I definitely hope this is a plane. If the strategy is successful, there is still a chance to get out. If I was just forced to teleport here, wouldn't I have to be trapped in this plane for the rest of my life?"

"What's wrong with being here, we can always be together."

Yun Shen turned off the hair dryer and straightened her bangs, with a warm and soft expression.

Yan Huan threw the book aside and said sullenly, "What do you know, I have to go out, I miss my family."

"I am also your family."

Yun Shen took her hand and comforted her, "If you can't get out, then live here with peace of mind, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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