Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1620 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1620 Why Are You Sticking To Me (26)

There are a lot of people during the summer vacation, especially places like amusement parks. When the holiday comes, you can see from a distance that it is full of black heads. The long queues in front of each project give you a headache. She tugged at the hem of her skirt, Sweat stuck to his thigh, very uncomfortable.

"Let's line up with fewer people."

Song Lingling held her cheeks, her cheeks were flushed from the heat, and she was listless, "Even the children's area has to wait for more than an hour."

"There aren't many people queuing over there!"

Song Lingling looked along where Yan Huan was pointing. Among the crowds, the queue there was really sparse.

"Then we..." Song Lingling stood up vigorously, her bright eyes dimmed again, "Oh, there is a roller coaster over there, don't you know, this roller coaster is very famous!"

Yan Huan didn't understand, "Then why is no one queuing?"

Song Lingling gave her a blank look like an idiot, "Look at the track of the roller coaster, if you sit on it, you'll have to spit out your overnight meal. If you don't have a heart attack, you'll be sick from fright!"

She patted Yan Huan on the head, "Don't think about it, I won't accompany you on a speeding car, I want to live a few more years!"

10 minute later.

There were two more people standing behind the sparse line. Song Lingling, who was successfully brainwashed by Yan Huan, clenched her fists and said arrogantly, "I'm not even afraid of the college entrance examination! Why are you afraid of roller coasters!"

The roller coaster only takes one minute to go, and the line moves forward very quickly. Most of the people in the line are young students who look like students. They stop and go, the staff counts the number of people, and they just stop behind Yan Huan.

"Lucky us! Are you going to put your bag in the locker?"

Yan Huan was fiddling with his mobile phone, it was fully charged to go out, but before queuing up, there was no notification of low battery, so why did it just shut down?

Pressing the power button still didn't respond, Yan Huan was speechless, and slapped Song Lingling, "Don't put your phone in your bag, lend me to take a video later."

Song Lingling hugged the phone tightly, "It's okay, don't drop the phone I just changed!"

"how come!"

Yan Huan took Song Lingling's cell phone, but did not turn it on after pressing it several times, "Strange, why is your cell phone dead?"

Song Lingling snatched the phone and stuffed it into her bag, "Oh, I took a selfie for a long time before, and it's normal if there is no battery. Hurry up, it's our time!"

Yan Huan was puzzled. Song Lingling dragged her to the middle seat when the people in the previous group got off the flying car. The girls sitting around were howling nervously. Yan Huan was blinded by the scorching sun. The gentleness at the beginning of the morning made her irritable heart even more irritable, mixed with inexplicable panic.

"Jingle Bell--"

The sound of starting up sounded, Song Lingling was terrified, clutched Yan Huan's arm tightly, and screamed at the moment the speeding car started moving!

The girls around who were frightened by her scream also screamed, and with the click of the chain, the roller coaster slowly reached the highest point of the track.

On the thin and narrow track, the speeding car stopped at the highest point, Yan Huan tiptoed down to explore, the feeling of hanging in the air was a bit scary, Song Lingling grabbed her hand even tighter, "Ah, ah, Yao Yao, I'm so scared!"

Yan Huan grabbed her hand, "Take a deep breath! Breathe it out slowly, you will feel weightless after falling."

The track going down from the highest point is almost at a right angle. It feels similar to jumping off a building. The moment the speeding car fell, everyone in the car screamed, and Yan Huan's heart sank!
(End of this chapter)

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